Page 103 of Forbidden Wish

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“You think that will stop him trying to protect you? Don’t ask him for help. Keep him out of this. Don’t go to him for advice. Don’t cry on his shoulder. Because, so help me God, if anyone touches him because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut—”

“I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

“Good. Then we’re on the same page.” Something caught her eye and she nodded that way. “Hey.”

Looking over her shoulder, her father barreled toward them. When he got there, he put an arm around her, kissing the top of her head.

“What the hell were you two thinking?” he hissed.

“No one got hurt,” Sersha said. “No one on our side anyway.”

“You got someone out of there? You took from the Manzanis.”

“Marseille’s her name. Jane Doe to anyone who asks. She’s not talking.”

“Good. You better hope it stays that way,” her father said to Sersha. “Have you called him?”

“No.” Sersha shook her head and took another look around. “I won’t.”

“You’ve gotta meet force with force, Scamp. You know that. He’ll help. You need him.”

“Don’t ever say that to me. You have no idea what he would do for me.”

“It’s time to find out,” Strat said. “He’ll step up.”

“I won’t do it. I won’t pull him into… No, war is not an option.”

“Sersh, he will—”

“Yes, he will,” Sersha snapped, frowning at her friend. “I won’t do it. I will not invoke… No.”

“I can—”

“No means no, Strat. That’s it. Final. You don’t go near him.”

“Threatening me now?”

His concern was etched with amusement, no doubt meant to defuse the tension.

It worked enough to soften Sersha a fraction. “I need you with me, Strat. You know I can only do this if we’re united. I can’t do it alone.”

In the times Sersha spoke of Vex, it had never seemed the woman cared much for him, but he could be the only man her father referred to. Other than someone with Manzani blood, who else could protect them? They didn’t know anyone on equal or better footing than the Manzanis. In comparison, their allies were weak. Could Vex Manzani be their only hope?

“What do you need?” Just like that, her father clicked with Sersha. “How do we do this?”

Sersha licked her lower lip into her mouth, holding it there a second before letting it go. “We keep this in house.”

“It will cost you.”

“Yes, it will. I’m the only name attached to this and we’re keeping it that way.”

“The cops will want to talk to you, to ask questions.”

“Lachlan’s got it,” Sersha said. “He’ll run defense for us.”

“You’re taking this from every angle. It’s a heavy load.”

“Not for long.” Sersha and Strat made eye contact. “What is it you say? Always make friends with your enemy.”
