Page 90 of Forbidden Wish

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The scent of him, the warmth of the space, even in the dark, beckoned her closer to the sleeping form in the middle of the bed. She could just slip off her shoes and climb in there. Forget all about the evil of the world and submerge herself in Jagger Dunn.

She sat on the bed, sliding a hand onto his stubble as her lips touched his. Instinct could be the only drive behind him responding. How awake he’d been, she didn’t know. Only a second later, his hand was in her hair and he pulled her down, further onto the bed, the demand of his tongue tempting hers.

Pulling back wasn’t easy. Her own instincts wanted to explore his and where their expedition would lead.

“You okay?” he whispered into the night, his fingers, still tangled in her hair, stroked her scalp. “Can’t sleep?”

“I woke up.” Keeping their voices low should prevent waking Ford, she hoped. Going out was one thing. Explaining why she was in Jagg’s bed was a whole different ballgame. “I’m going out.”

“Going where?”

“The hotel,” she said. “The Carlyle. Ludlow and Swerve are both—”

“Shit, babe.” They sat up. “It’s dangerous over there.”

As he got up and flicked on the lamp, she flipped around, catching just a quick view of his naked ass as he pulled on a pair of sweats.

“We need answers. We can’t get them from each other—”

“So you thought you’d march on over there and demand them? Of who? Swerve?”

“The women might talk to me. It’s happening there. It has to be.”

“We don’t know that.” He put on a tee-shirt and pulled on a hoodie of his own. “It’s a possibility.”

“And I am sick of possibilities. We need to know. Those women could be over there now.” With his back to her, he retrieved something from the dresser. “They could be in pain. If it was me over there, would you be lying in bed sleeping like nothing was going on?”

“I’m not lying in bed sleeping,” he said, rounding the end of the bed, extending a hand to her. “Come on.”

“Come on where?” she asked, leaping up to grab his hand. “Where are we—”

“What did I say to you? I’m not interested in changing you or making your choices. You’re gonna do this whether or not I want you to. My say is you’re not doing it alone.”

They crossed the dark breakroom together and got outside into his car. Within a minute, they were on the road.

“Thank you,” she said, reaching over to caress his thigh. “You didn’t have to do this. To come with me.”

Sersha had spoken of her safety net. Jagg was fast becoming hers. She just hoped to God he wasn’t injured on her behalf.

“My choice.”

“If they already know we’re asking questions, we should take advantage of that, not shy from it.”

“How? By asking more questions? The women at the Carlyle will have been told not to talk.”

“Not if this is as much of a secret as we think it is,” she said. “If Swerve’s involved, the circle’s small, remember?”

“We’ll watch, just like we did the other night. Get a lay of the land, figure out what’s happening and who’s there.”

“Will they kill them? Swerve said if I didn’t let it go that the women would pay in pain.”


“Three of them. He gave me three names.”

“They have more than one woman at a time. That’s interesting.”

