Page 74 of Countdown

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“Like what?”

“He was a mess, Vince. He was in pain, hurting and grieving the loss of his wife and son. He had no intention of driving home, but then he got word his daughter was in the hospital. And he acted. How can I sit in judgment of him when I’ve done things that resulted in terrible consequences for others? Like Mrs. Atwater? If I hadn’t allowed Kevin into my life, she would still be alive. So would Trent Carter.” Tears clogged her throat and shame coursed through her. She blinked at the onslaughtof emotion and pulled in a deep breath. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to lay all that on you.”

His hand gripped hers. “I want you to, Raina. It actually helps me to hear you voice that. It helps to know I’m not alone in my thoughts when I want to storm the prison and put a bullet in Eden’s ex. It helps to remember that he’s human just like I am. My choices didn’t result in my sister’s death, but they didn’t prevent it either.” He paused. “I think that’s where faith comes in. We just have to trust that God is still in control even when it looks like he isn’t and we don’t understand why he does or doesn’t do something.”

She squeezed his fingers. “Easier said than done.”


They fell silent, but he didn’t let go of her hand and she didn’t pull away. Twenty minutes later, they were on a mountain road heading toward Penny and Holt’s vacation home that doubled as a hangar for Penny’s hand-built chopper.

Only Vince’s eyes were on the rearview mirror.

“What is it?” she asked. Her gaze went to the side mirror, noting the green truck behind them.

Traffic was light, but people were out despite the rain and below-freezing temps. She was glad they were going to be off the road shortly.

“That truck’s been behind us a while.”

“You think it’s following us?”

“I don’t know. Could be just a little paranoia on my part.”

“But you don’t like it.”

“I don’t. I’m going to take the next turn up—” No sooner had the words left his lips than the green truck accelerated and slammed into the back of them.


Vince registered Raina’s gasp as he jerked the wheel to the left to keep his vehicle on the road, but hit a patch of black ice.He brought his foot off the gas and tried to steer into the slide, but the hit had him going too fast and he spun a one-eighty onto the shoulder. Rocks and other debris crunched under the tires. Traction. He pressed the brakes. The truck hit them again and the seat belt locked. Pain sparked in his shoulder, then shot across his torso.


Raina’s sharp cry seared him almost as bad as the shoulder injury. “Hold on!”

Another spin of the wheel and he shot off the shoulder, bounced over the raised grassy area. He did his best to keep the truck level, but the left front tire blew, sending them into the flooded ditch. They tilted, then rocked back so the driver’s door was against the side of the ditch closest to the road. Muddy water raced below them. It wasn’t deep, but it did look like a small river.

Dazed, he shook his head, trying to get his brain working. “Raina? You okay?”

“I ... I think so. Are you?”

“Yeah. But we need to get out of here and call for help.” He hadn’t heard an engine speeding away, which meant the pickup might still be out there. He looked around for his phone and couldn’t see it.


Vince jerked.

Raina’s gaze slammed into his. “Was that a—”

“Yes!” The back windshield shattered. “We’re sitting ducks. Get out!”

Without hesitation, she grabbed the door handle and shoved.

Another bullet whizzed past his cheek. “Raina, go!” He reached into the back and snagged her bag.

“I’m trying! The door won’t open!”

With the truck greatly slanted toward the driver’s side, Vince could see that gravity was going to win against her strength.Since the truck was still running, he lowered the window and she hauled herself out while more bullets peppered the side and roof of the vehicle. He lunged after her, pulling her duffel with him.
