Page 16 of Bain

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I take the hand towel, run it in the cool water and as Kiera watches me silently, I push her legs open further so I can clean her up. Her hips jerk as I rub the soft cloth against her and I imagine she’s still sensitive. I know if she put her mouth on my dick right now, I’d have no problem getting it back up.

But that wasn’t our agreement.

Setting the towel down next to the sink, I pull my pants up and refasten them. I put my palms on the granite on either side of her hips and stare at her a moment, wondering what she’s thinking. She’s not said much, not that I needed words with what we just did. Her body told me all I needed to know… I rocked her world the way she rocked mine.

I look deep into her eyes, willing her to say something. I’m not sure what I want to hear, but she merely smiles before gently kissing my lips.

When I pull back, I’m the one who speaks. “I better get going.”

“Yup,” she says with a nod.

I step back from the sink and Kiera hops down and readjusts her panties. She makes no effort to close her robe and I take one long, last look.

Her hair is a mess, lips swollen and nipples hard against the thin material. She’s the absolute most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen and if we do grace each other’s presence in the future, it will only be in passing.

Nothing to stop me from walking out without a single word, but before I do, I place a kiss on top of her head. Her hand comes to my chest as my mouth lingers there, and it feels like a final goodbye.

I turn away but take no more than one step before her hand is on my wrist. I look back, eager to see what she might finally say.

It does nothing but confuse me more because she doesn’t say anything. Simply shakes her head to note she’s changed her mind about speaking and her hand falls away.

I offer a small smile and nod. “See you around.”

“Yeah… sure.”

Just like the other night, she walks me to the door, and when I’m on the front step, I hear the snick of the lock. I don’t turn around to watch her through the glass but trot down the steps and to my car.

That should have done it. She should be out of my system now.

As I open my car door, I do take one peek at her house and find her at the door watching me.

Yeah… no. She’s not fucking out of my system but not a damn thing I can do about it. We both agreed that this was it.



It’s weird, hangingout at Brienne’s house to watch the boys. Drake and his sons haven’t been living here long, but Jake, Colby and Tanner have acclimated well. Not just because they’re getting used to their dad being in love with Brienne and her becoming a mother figure, but because they just did a huge move from Minnesota to Pennsylvania at the start of the season and had just gotten used to that house.

Brienne’s home is so big, I’ve gotten lost in it once—and that’s no joke. But it’s beautiful, and her legacy, and I’m happy this will be the boys’ forever home.

Yeah… I said it. This is it for Drake. There’s no doubt in my mind he’s going to marry Brienne and they’ll live here forever.

I stand in the massive family room, surrounded by the comforting chaos of three wound-up hellions. The sound of their laughter echoes through the space, filling the tasteful and expensively decorated area with warmth and love. Currently, all three are chasing one another around in a mad game of tag that doesn’t seem to have any rules.

Their energy is without limit. They’ve already had dinner and baths, and I allowed them to watch one period of their dad’s game tonight against the Florida Spartans. I’ve got the game still on the TV, but it’s muted for the time being.

“All right… McGinn monsters,” I call out to get their attention. “Let’s assemble for bed.”

As rambunctious as they are, they’re the sweetest kids and they obediently line up before me. As their unofficial mom, I relish these moments, cherishing the bond we’ve formed as I care for them when Drake is on the ice.

“It’s time to clean up and get to bed.” I help them pick up their toys, coaxing them with banter and playful tickles, making cleanup time as fun as playtime.

While Brienne’s house is big enough each kid can have his own room, they wanted to stay together. Drake had a three-tiered bunk bed for them at the other house and simply bought another one for here. I expect they’ll want separate rooms at some point, but for now, they’re thick as thieves, even in slumber.

“Who wants a story tonight?”

Their eyes light up and they clamor for their favorite books. We settle on the couch along one wall in their massive room, their small bodies pressed against mine. I read to them about adventures in far-off lands. Jake, being the curious and thoughtful one, interrupts the story with a question that has been on his mind.

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