Page 38 of Bain

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“Um… Kiera forgot her purse,” he says, holding out a black clutch with a silver chain strap.

“Oops.” Kiera giggles, not in the least bit worried we got caught.

I’m not worried either. Boone’s a good guy and I doubt he’d say anything to Drake. I release my hold on Kiera and give her a command with a pointed look. “Stay right here.”

She gives me a snappy salute. “Yes, sir.”

Rolling my eyes, I walk to Boone and he hands me the purse. He nods at Kiera. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“It’s good,” I assure him. “Just casual. Keeping it on the down low because neither of us wants to hear it from Drake. It’s just some fun between two consenting adults.”

The corner of Boone’s mouth twitches as he reaches backward for the door handle. “I don’t know… hottest guy and best orgasms. I’d say she’s pretty smitten.”

I grin as I walk backward, holding my arms out as if to showcase me as the entire package. “Who wouldn’t be?”

Boone shakes his head with a smirk and slips back into the bar.

I pivot to face Kiera and she’s watching me with a look on her face like she wants to eat me up. If she’s still awake by the time we get to her place, I’m going to let her try.



The ax lodgedin my forehead finally wakes me up. I open one eye gingerly and wince that the light increases the pain tenfold. Listening carefully, I can’t detect any noise so I have no clue if Bain is here.

At least I’m not so hungover as to forget last night. Granted, some bits and pieces are fuzzy, but I know for sure that I got drunk, Bain brought me home and pretty sure I mauled him sexually.

There’s a flutter in my belly as I think about what we did and… a frown comes to my face.

A grimace, actually.

That’s not my body reacting to memories of sex but rebelling from copious amounts of alcohol. I burst out of the bed, get tangled up in the sheets and almost break my neck, if not for a pair of strong arms that catch me.

“Whoa there, speedy.” Bain’s voice is low, soothing. “Got a garbage can right here.”

He turns me to the left, points to my tall kitchen container with a fresh bag in it and I manage to bend over just before my heaving starts. Nothing comes out but the lining of my stomach, which makes me gag from how gross it is. Bain’s hand rubs my lower back in gentle circles.

I stand up with a groan and find a cold wet cloth at my forehead. Bain takes my arm and leads me back to the edge of the bed where I slump onto the edge. “I’m dying,” I say, my voice dry and croaking.

“You’re not dying,” Bain says, and I take a moment to really look at him. He’s wearing the same outfit he had on last night, but I know at one point, we were both naked. “You were pretty sick around four a.m. Pretty sure you filled up a dozen toilet bowls.”

I wrinkle my nose, grateful I don’t have that exact memory, but then my hand reaches up to feel my hair tied in a knot. I do remember something… Bain holding my hair out of the way so I could throw up. At some point, it got tied out of the way.

“Think you can handle some ginger ale? Crackers?”

I shake my head. “No. Nothing just yet.”

Bain takes my chin and levels an expression that looks slightly the way my mom looked at me when she was being extra mom-like. “You need hydration. Water or ginger ale. Take your pick.”

“I don’t have any ginger ale,” I mutter, pressing the cold cloth to my head.

“You do,” he says with a wink. “I ran out and got some a bit ago along with some saltine crackers. Or I can make you toast.”

I fall back onto the bed with a moan of pain and nausea. I’m not sure I can handle the combination of feeling this wretched from a hangover and being utterly charmed by Bain’s thoughtfulness.

Then something strikes me. I lift my head, look down my body and realize I’m naked.

Bain notices me noticing. “I tried to get you into some pajamas or a T-shirt but you kept taking it off. Insisting you were going to fuck me all night.”

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