Page 60 of Bain

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It’s a statement one would think might cause sad reflection, given that Mitch died in the crash, but Danica smiles with pride at Camden’s words and then her expression softens to match that of the gooiest cookie straight out of the oven. “Camden’s been working with Travis and his confidence has skyrocketed this past month.”

None of us need to say it, but it’s the value of consistent, positive influence in a kid’s life. I know Bain and I both had it, but I’m not sure about Camden. So I flat out ask him. “You have that growing up?”

Camden nods. “Yeah… my dad always supported my hockey.”

A statement of affirmation, but so much is left unsaid. I don’t push, though, as Bain surprises me by stepping into the conversation in a very personal way. “While I’m ninety percent terrified of parenting, the one thing I feel confident in is helping my kid succeed in a sport.”

“Want a boy who plays hockey?” Danica teases.

“Girls can play hockey too,” he points out, and she inclines her head as if to sayTouché. “But any sport, really. It’s such a mix of encouragement and positive critique to keep the motivation up. My parents were so good at it and I can’t wait to pass that on.”

Those words punch deep and I blink furiously at tears that threaten to spill. Luckily, no one notices as Camden and Bain pivot to a discussion of sports psychology.

But I glance at Danica and she winks, which means she may not have seen the moisture in my eyes but she recognizes how incredibly sweet this conversation is.

The food arrives and Bain takes it upon himself to cut up the massive rib eye and move portions to the extra plate the waitress brought, all while continuing to talk as if he’s giving no thought to serving me. One more thing tonight that’s not only endearing but hot as hell. It’s quite possible he’ll get lucky in the car before we leave the restaurant parking lot.

“Excuse me.” We all turn to see a man standing there looking rather uncomfortable. His gaze cuts back and forth between Bain and Camden. “I was wondering if I could get an autograph from both of you. Maybe a picture.”

Neither Camden nor Bain is put out, or at least they don’t act like it. Danica and I share a knowing smile. It’s part of the job, availing yourself of fans. It doesn’t happen all the time, but when it does, it can be inopportune. Tonight we’re just four friends having a meal together, so the interruption isn’t bothersome. At least not to me.

It might be different if it were just me and Bain sharing a romantic meal and having intimate, private conversation, but in this case, the guys stand up with good nature and pose for pictures. It’s always a risk that more people will come forward, but no one does and we continue on with our meal.

We all share a laugh, the interruption a lighthearted moment in our evening. It reminds us that even amid the fame and attention, we’re just two couples enjoying a double date, trying to navigate the complexities of new relationships and impending parenthood.

For two hours, we eat, talk and laugh. Bain and I share a slice of cheesecake and by the time the men are signing the credit card receipts, I’m struggling not to undo the top button of my jeans. I wonder if I’m gaining weight already, but I’m sure if I am, it’s nearly imperceptible at this point. I just feel completely bloated from too much food.

I’ve got a million questions on how things will progress. I’ve been researching like crazy, but that’s just generated more curiosity and even some fear. I’ve made an appointment for next week with the OB-GYN I established with when I moved to Pittsburgh. Bain asked if he could go with me, so I set it for a non-game day. To say I was touched by his desire to attend is an understatement of epic proportions, but I’m still not sure how involved he wants to be. It’s hard with his schedule, but if he wants to go to all the appointments, I’ll figure out a way to make it work.

As the night draws to a close, we say our goodbyes outside the restaurant. Bain once again has my hand in his while Camden has his arm over Danica’s shoulders. There are hugs, back slaps and promises to do this again, but then we’re headed in opposite directions.

“This was nice,” I say as he opens the door to his car for me to slide in. “It feels good to be out in the open, to have you by my side.”

I tense, waiting for his reply. Bain has been slightly more open in his feelings than I have, but I still have hesitancy. It’s hard for me to believe how things have changed sometimes and it stirs up a lot of wary emotions based on how my prior relationship soured. I’ll admit… while I’m letting myself fall, I’m still scared to get fully invested for fear of being duped or hurt. My heart tells me that’s silly with a man such as him, but my brain tells me to never forget that we may not know the real person behind the facade.

Bain leans in and kisses me softly. “This was very nice. New experience and all, but I rate it a ten out of ten and would definitely go out on a single date with you now that I’ve dipped my toe in the water.”

He’s serious and teasing at the same time and it makes me laugh with abandon. Not sure what it is about my amusement that has Bain’s eyes darkening, but he kisses me again and this time, it’s not so soft and sweet. His tongue invades my mouth, pleasure searing through me. Just that quickly, things heat up and when I pull back, I want to crawl into the back seat with him and have him fuck my brains out.

Bain ends the kiss with a groan, proof that he’s as turned on as me, and just as quickly. His lips move to my jaw and he whispers, “Although… I’m just as happy never going on a date again and keeping you tied to the bed.”

“I’m probably as happy with that too.”

Bain chuckles and steps back, motioning for me to get into the car. “Let’s go test out how much we like the concept of tying you to the bed.”

My eyebrows shoot upward with interest. “Really?”

“I would never joke about something like that. You… tied up and spread-eagle… ready for me to do whatever I want to you.”

“Let’s go,” I say, trying to pull the door closed, even though he’s still in the way.

Bain laughs and leans down to kiss me once more. His eyes lock onto mine before he straightens, concern swirling within. “Is there, um… any way we can hurt the baby? We get a little rough sometimes.”

“I don’t know,” I admit, the details I learned about pregnancy and obstetrics in nursing school long forgotten since I don’t use that knowledge in my current field. “And you tend to rattle me with multiple orgasms. I wonder if that’s harmful.”

“Looks like I’ll be adding those questions for the doctor next week.”

“We’re going to traumatize him.” I laugh and then make a shooing motion with my hand. “But let’s worry about it next week. Let’s limit the rough stuff and we’ll stop at just two orgasms per day for me.”
