Page 89 of Bain

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I nod. “But if it’s too much or too weird, I’ll gladly—”

Bain’s mouth descends onto mine, one hand cupping my head and his other arm around my back. It’s hot and ravenous and I’m immediately consumed by his touch again.

Fingers slipping into my hair, gripping hard, he pulls me back so he can stare down at me. “In case you didn’t figure it out by that kiss, I love you too.”

My heart thumps like a puppy’s tail. “You do?”

“God, yes. I’ve been miserable this last week, holding that in… afraid to say it to you. I wanted to say it at your house, but I became really unsure of myself and then somehow we’d committed to go backward rather than forward.”

“Right?” I exclaim. “That talk did not go how I wanted it to.”

“I’m guessing we were both too nervous. We’re taking a big step.”

“The biggest… two reformed fuck buddies.”

Bain shakes his head. “No, we’re still going to be fuck buddies. And we’re going to have wild monkey sex all the time since you’re moving in with me. But we’re going to do it with a whole lot of love.”

And… I melt. “Will you kiss me again?”

I get a playful smirk. “If you say you love me again.”

“I love you, Bain Hillridge.”

“I love you, Kiera McGinn.”

He dips his head toward mine, but I jerk back slightly. “After we kiss can we go back in and immediately tell your parents we’re in love so we can smooth over my jackassery?”

“It’s old news to my parents that I love you. They knew that already, but I’m sure it will set things straight if you tell them you love me too.”

“Phew,” I exclaim. “I want to start this off on the right foot.”

Bain laughs and takes my hand, pulling me toward the door.

“Where are we going?” I ask, putting on the brakes.

He looks back at me. “We can’t stand in the hallway all day.”

I try to tug free of his hold, managing a sheepish smile. “It’s preferable to confronting your parents after my obnoxious commentary.”

Bain reels me in and wraps his arms around my body to pull me in tight. The familiar flare of lust hits me, and God, how I’ve missed having this man in my bed, in my body. He tips his head, feathers his lips over my cheek and to my ear where he whispers, “If you’d just told me how you felt this morning when I came to your house, this could’ve all been avoided. So now this is your penance.”

I jerk back from him, but he doesn’t loosen his hold. I can only tip my head to glare up at him. “You could have told me how you really felt,” I accuse hotly.

Bain grins. “That is absolutely true, and it’s my penance too. The only difference is I’m not embarrassed about the wild monkey sex comment and you are.”

A tiny growl emits from my throat. He’s throwing down a challenge. “We’ll see about that.” I push out of his embrace and march back to his door.

I open up and step inside, my eyes first going to Bain’s dad, then to his mother. They both look at me with hesitant smiles but hope in their eyes. They want this to work out for their son.

No better way to get this over with, so I just rip off the Band-Aid. I hear Bain come in, shut the door behind him.

I move to his parents, clasping my hands before me. “Sheila… Dave… I am so sorry you had to witness that overly emotional display. It’s true, your son and I do have wild monkey sex, but I don’t want to be his fuck buddy.” I hear Bain snicker behind me. “And I’m also sorry for the crude language. Hanging out with hockey players has stripped away some of my gentility, but it is with the utmost respect that I implore you to forget that exchange. What I meant to say to your son”—I glance back at Bain to see he’s trying hard not to laugh—“is that I love him very much.” I return my attention to his parents. “I will work hard to make him happy and you can rest assured that I’ll have his back in all things. Furthermore, I—”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Bain groans, stepping into my backside and wrapping his arms around me. His chin rests on my head and I can tell by the expression on his parents’ faces that he’s grinning at them. They’re clearly beyond amused and are grinning right back at him. “What Kiera is trying to say is that we’ve made amends, admitted our undying love for each other and are now, officially, a couple once more.”

Sheila claps and yells, “Bravo!”

Dave nudges his wife with his elbow but addresses me. “If it makes you feel better, having wild monkey sex is the key to a long-lasting and happy relationship.”
