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“Then we’ll have to make some plans of what kind of dates we want to go on and what kind of rewards you want.” I’d mix it up to make sure he didn’t think he had to earn fun activities, but I thought he’d like the reward aspect of it too.

Nodding against me, he let out another breath. “What is the best way to talk about limits? I need to know yours too.”

Very good point.

“Are you in the right headspace to remember that our limits are going to be different and they’ll adjust over time?” I was glad when he took a moment to think about my question before he nodded.

“Yes, I’ll keep that in mind and I’ll work on not being embarrassed about what I want.” His tone was more confident that time and he hadn’t called me Daddy.

It seemed to mean we could move forward, so I gave him another innocent head kiss. “Then you have two options. I would like either one of these, so there’s nothing to worry about. You can either stay curled up on my lap without hiding as much, or you can kneel for me while I talk to you about my limits.”

He was very quiet, but he hadn’t gone stiff and it seemed he was thinking more than worrying. “I like hiding, but…but I want to see your face while we talk.”

Ruslan paused before taking a deep breath, that time sounding like he was pumping himself up in his mind. “I’m going to kneel.”

Just not right away based on how he stayed curled up against me.

Since it looked like he’d used some bravery, I kissed him again. “Then I’m going to reward you for doing something hard by giving you options for an even better reward once we’ve had time to talk.”

We couldn’t go over everything, but as long as we made good progress, I would be happy…and more relaxed when we made out and he started grinding on me.

He seemed to be doing his best to ignore the shiver that raced through him because he nodded slowly and worked at sounding relaxed. “I think that’s a very good plan. Thank you.”

He was such an adorable nut.

“I’m glad we’ve got it worked out.” Rubbing his back, I gave him another hug and kissed his forehead as I inched away from him so he’d have to shift.

That got me a fairly quiet huff, but he sat up slowly without safewording or a pout. I thought that was good enough to ignore too, so I kissed his cheek. “Do you have a specific cushion we should use or will one from the couch work?”

He blushed unexpectedly. “I’ve…I’ve never invited a Dom over before to do a scene in my house, so I never needed a real kneeling cushion.”


Leaning closer again, I brushed my lips against his. “Thank you for letting me come into your space. It means a lot to me.”

It made his blush deepen, but he seemed to appreciate the sentiment because he kissed my cheek. “You’re welcome, Daddy.”

I was Daddy again because his emotions were higher?

“Such a good boy…and very sweet.” And just a tad insane, but that was just spice to make a sub more interesting, so I wouldn’t have expected any less from the sexiest professor on campus.

“I’m sweet? I can’t decide if you’re trying to help me remember that I want to be good or if you’re delusional.” His slightly dry response had me trying not to laugh.

“That doesn’t sound like you’re talking very nicely about my boy. Do we need to add talking nicely to our discussion list for tonight?” His wonderfully dramatic groan had me biting my lips to hold back a laugh.

“No, Daddy. I’ll remember.” Sighing, he dropped his voice to a mumbled whisper. “Because that sounds terrible.”

His drama was going to get him in trouble once I figured out the right punishment.

“Hmm? Did you say something?” My politely delivered question had him sighing. “No?”

“No, Daddy. I must’ve been talking to myself. I’m sorry.” He was trying to sound very innocent, but it wasn’t working.

Ruslan realized that too because his plan to distract me was to kneel. “I almost forgot what we were doing, Daddy.”

Out of the frying pan and into the fire?

I wasn’t going to question his logic, though, because I couldn’t wait to see him between my legs. So as he rose, frowning like he’d just realized what he’d jumped into, I picked up one of the small, firm pillows from the edge of the couch. “This will work until I get you something more comfortable. When your legs start to get uncomfortable, you’ll let me know.”
