Page 47 of Easy

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“I gave the last I had to Jack,” Easy said.

Juan’s lips tightened. He secured the bandage, then unbuttoned his uniform top and handed it to Jack, who quickly shrugged into it with a grateful look. She tied the long ends around her waist, the shirt looking much better on her than Juan.

“Juan,” Shark said, never taking his eyes off Garcia. “Get Easy and Jack out of here.”

Juan shouldered Easy’s pack, then bent down, lifting Easy across his shoulders. “Go, Jack. Shark will cover our backs.”

Jack took one last look at him, her heart in her eyes. “Be careful,” she whispered.

Shark grinned. He wasn’t going to be careful at all. He waited until Juan, Easy, and Jack had disappeared into the mist, then he lifted his chin and set his rifle against one of the trees. He removed his combat knife from its sheath and flipped the blade down toward his forearm.

It was over in minutes and Garcia got what was coming to him. Shark wiped the blade on the man’s shirt, then headed back the way he’d come, saying a silent prayer to the powers that be that Easy made it.

* * *

Jack walked close to Juan,her worried gaze on Easy. She stumbled but righted herself. Juan turned to her and said, “I know you’re concerned about him, but getting him to safety and medical attention is our main priority. Keep yourself calm and focused and we’ll get there.”

“Where is there?”

“I’m not sure.”

She stopped, remembering that morning she’d left Dallas. “I know where we can go,” she said. “My housekeeper has a sister here.”


“El Vigia.”

“That’s not far. Let’s pick up the pace.” Jack ran with Juan, marveling at the way he carried Easy. She couldn’t imagine how hard it was. Easy wasn’t a cream puff at all. They broke out of the trees, crossed the road quickly, and climbed out of a gully, hurrying across a lot between two buildings, tall grass hiding tires and discarded furniture. She kept up beside him. He inclined his head.

He stopped behind a building and eased Easy down from his shoulders. “How you doing,amigo?”

“Good,” Easy muttered. “It’s been a fun ride.”

Juan looked around, and Jack’s gaze followed his. A few yards ahead, the entire area changed. The stricken look of the dwellings gave way to renovated homes and shops with the influence of the conquistadors in iron and stucco.

“Can you walk?” Juan asked. Easy nodded and together they helped him to his feet. “We need to get a cab.”

They moved out into the open, Easy leaning heavily on Juan. He looked at her and smiled. “It’s going to be all right.”

She wanted to believe him, but he looked so haggard, his hair damp, shadows under his eyes. He’d lost so much blood and fluid. It was so very hot.

He stumbled and Juan stabilized him. Jack saw a cab and ran partially into the street, waving frantically. The cabbie pulled over and she grabbed the door, and they maneuvered Easy inside. She rattled off the address.

“Your friend okay?” the cabbie asked, eyeing them in the rearview mirror.

Juan smiled broadly. “Hitting the tequila a little early today,” he said, and the cabbie nodded and laughed.

When he stopped in front of a run-down building with townhouse-like homes, Jack removedpesosfrom Easy’s cargo pants and paid him while Juan got him out. She waved off the change and shielded Easy from the cabbie’s view. No way to predict how he would react to the blood on Easy’s side.

Jack knocked on the door and it was pulled open. A teenager stood there taking in the three of them. Then he saw the blood. “Mom, you better come.” Then he focused on Jack’s face. “Hurry! It’sSenoritaJack!”

A woman came bustling out of a room with two small children on either hip. She stopped dead and stared. “Jack! Rosa’s been so worried.” Then she, too, saw the blood, her face going white, her eyes flashing. “Quickly, Hugo. Get them inside. Help the man.”

Jack darted into the narrow hall while the teenager supported Easy on his uninjured side.

“Hey, kid,” Easy said with a smile, then grimaced in pain.

Maria handed the boy to her then the girl and she found herself juggling two toddlers. These were Rosa’s niece and nephew, fraternal twins, Sofia and Rafael. She’d only seen the three of them in pictures and she regretted not taking the time to talk to them when Rosa facetimed them. They were so damn cute in person. The two children looked up at her with a surprised look on their faces. The little boy clutched at her borrowed shirt, then blinked a few times. She looked at the little girl, who after a second, gave her a grin. Jack smiled back at her as her eyes filled with tears.
