Page 9 of Back Then

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Macie:Fuck your plan. I need to know why I didn’t get your letters. Now.

Booker:It’s not time.

Macie:Why is it all up to you, Booker? Why is everything on your damn timeline? You owe me an explanation, and if you want to keep playing this stupid game, then I better get one.

Booker:Your parents had your letters.

Macie:My parents?

Booker:There’s your truth for today, Macie. Your parents had your letters. The details? I’m begging you to wait for me to tell you. Later.

Macie:I don’t understand. Why would they keep those from me? I’m going to go by there tomorrow, I can’t believe they would hurt us like that.

Booker:Promise me you won’t do that. Promise me you’ll wait. That you’ll hear me out and let me tell you the whole story before you go to them.

Macie:I don’t owe you anything, Booker.

Booker:I know you don’t. But I’m still down on my knees again, pleading with you, baby.

Macie:This isn’t fair. And stop begging me to do shit all the time. It’s not nearly as romantic as I bet you think it is.

Booker:You’re right. And I’m sorry. I'll never be able to apologize enough. Please, Macie, please wait on talking to your parents.


Booker:Thank you so damn much.

Booker + McCall

Booker:You still have them?

McCall:You know I do. Jackass.

Booker:Can you give them to her?

McCall:Are you joking with me right now? If you are, it’s not fucking funny. I’ve been begging you to let me give that girl your letters for years.

Booker:Yeah, I’m a moron. We all know that, and I’ll never dispute the charges. Can you give them to her in order though? I haven’t told her why I left yet.

McCall:Sure. Anything else you need? A kidney? I do have a life, you know.

Booker:You’re a detective in a small town in the dead of winter. You’re not busy.

McCall:Shows what you know. The yellow gas station was robbed two nights ago, and Mrs. Harty’s prize poodles got out and roughed up the neighbor’s overpriced cat.

Booker:Yeah, sounds real stressful.

McCall:Just heal up so you can come home and get your girl.

Booker:I’m working on it. I need her anger to thaw so she doesn’t shoot me on sight.

McCall:I’ll add the letters to the packages you’re already having me sling.

Booker:Thank you.

McCall:Welcome. Asshole.

1st Letter
