Page 8 of Back Then

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McCall:These are weird gifts.

Booker:They aren’t weird if you know the whole story.

McCall:How’d your test go yesterday? What do the doctors think?

Booker:It’s not looking good.

McCall:What’s the plan?

Booker:Learn sign language so I can talk, I suppose.

McCall:Well, then I’m learning it too.


McCall:Of course. I need to know what your long-winded ass is always rambling on about. You should tell Macie, so she can learn before you come home.

Booker:Not yet.

McCall:You’re as stubborn as old Mrs. Reynold’s favorite mule.

Booker:I know.

McCall:And stop drugging your poor momma. She told mine she’s never been as tired as she has the last week. She thinks there’s something medically wrong with her.

Booker:She cries all the time, and looks at me like I’m dying.

McCall:She thought you were, you prick. Let her stay conscious long enough to heal from the trauma.


Booker + Macie

Booker:You remember when your momma decided you were going to be a tennis star? I think you were almost fourteen.

Macie:What does that have to do with the basket of river rocks on my porch?

Booker:McCall and I convinced you to ditch practice one day and go with us to the river instead. We taught you to skip rocks.

Macie:You could skip from one side of the river straight to the other. I remember thinking that was so impressive. I didn’t quite understand it then, but I’m pretty sure watching you skip rocks was the first time I was ever turned on.

Booker:Is that why you kissed me?

Macie:On your cheek. Your skin was cool from the river water. McCall gagged.

Booker:My heart was racing. I remember thinking that life couldn’t possibly get better than it was in that moment. My girl and my best friend playing hooky with me down at the river.

Macie:No calls, no texts, no letters. And now you’re torturing me for fun.

Booker:You have every right to be angry with me, Macie. I wanted to call, I wanted to text. And I did write you…the letters never made it to your hands.

Macie:What letters? Why didn’t I get any letters?

Booker:The why isn’t important.

Macie:Nine years, Booker Thomas. We were inseparable for nine damn years. You left me without a word, and now you tell me you tried to write to me? How is that not important? It’s everything.

Booker:I have a plan. I have an order, and a plan on how this is supposed to go. It’s not time, not yet.

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