Page 33 of Nitro

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Unlike August, Zep didn’t need paper and pencil. Being a lazy shit had eventually evolved into impressive memorization skills. “Well, it’s an in-bred soap opera of evil. The Cartel’s most feared enforcer is the little brother of the Holy Order’s high priestess. Then, the 5 Runes and The Diablos De La Guerra have a fun little underground fight ring. The coven uses it for blood sacrifices, the Cartel uses it for entertainment and recruitment. It’s a win-win, or lose-lose, depending on the position you’re playing.” He looked at Jek. “You wanna tell him about the tattoo shit?”

“Oh yeah,” Jek muttered in his usual bored way. “Tattoo parlor Pins and Needles is part of the Noctambule. All the members of the Diablos De La Guerra go there to get a special patch. He uses tracking ink which apparently is a thing. This gives them inside eyes on every member. One goes the wrong way, they invoke their supernatural ink,” he finger quoted the air, “and they miraculously end up dealt with and dead.”

Wow. “Do the De La Guerra even know?” Bishop asked.

“From the amount of respect and unholy honor they have for Noctambule, I’d sayno.”

“Ohhhh boy, that’s priceless,” Bacon chuckled. “They got a Divine Doodle Dynasty. I’m jealous.”

Traps got a kick out of that, and Bishop already shook his head at feeling the jokes coming. “Order of the Majestic Markings,” he boomed out, fist banging the table.

“Trace Me If You Can Tribe,” Spook didn’t help.

“Slipknot Sorcerers of Squiggles!” Traps barely managed, doubling them all over.

Nowthey were laughing.

Bishop decided to let it rip, feeling like the comical relief was probably needed. They were down to wiping tears when Mah-Mah kissed Lazure and hugged him tight, then Beth copied her.

“Here we go,” Hurricane grumbled. “Straight on to marriage classes only not all of us havewivesyet!” he complained.

“Come here, I’ll kiss you,” Traps said.

“Bruh, get your ropey fuckin’ hands away from me.”

“I got a knot for any and every kink, my young lad.”

The Basilique door banged open. “DAD!”

Bishop flew up from his chair, turning to see Lucas running in, holding out his phone.

He hurried to meet him, taking it from him.

“They texted that,” he said winded. “I don’t know who it is or how they got my number.”

Did you get the mole yet?

Bishop spun, finding everybody already behind him. “Where’s Savvy and Luseah?”

“Still at the main house,” Lucas said. “We were all there, and Brandon. We’ve been sticking together like you said. I haven’t even left the swamps. None of us have.”

He eyed his blood brothers. “We need to find who the fuck this is. First priority for your new PI Hatch.”

“You fuckin’ got it,” Bart said, looking at Zep. “You start with Gordon and gang. Jek, you contact Fisher, the one who has access to cell phone logs in Louisiana. August, you’re with me.” He looked at Bishop. “I’d like to take Lucas’s phone and have Seer, Ruckus and Maggie see what the hell they can see.”

“Oui. Do it quickly.” He gave him the phone and regarded the rest of his men. “Gather the best of your Hatches. Tomorrow, we hunt. And we don’t stop till they’re gator shit and mud.”


8-Bit felt the distinguished buzz of his Eveque’s text and turned off Cat’s app, looking.Lucas got a text from the mole. We hunt tomorrow. If he’s there, wewillfind him. Secure any loose ends. We’ll need all hands in this one.


8-Bit turned his boat around and headed toward said loose end—Cat. He’d hoped the mole was a bluff. Still could be, but if they weren’t, they surely needed to put an end to them. He’d have to warp speed the process so he could get back to what he was more interested in. Closing the Cat deal.

He pulled up her number and hitGo.

