Page 34 of Nitro

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“Hey, it’s 8-Bit. Just checking in.”

She hesitated, then a, “What for?”

What for. “An odd question during wartime.”

He heard muttered flustering, making him curious about her afternoon friend chat. “Sorry, just curious. I was just dropping Jason off at his dad’s. He visits every weekend.”

He pulled out his second phone and located her. “You in a boat?” He eyed the moving green dot on the screen, not hearing anything.

“I am. Headed home.”

Was she in a pirogue? He heard a hum that resembled a small motor. “What are you in?”

“My boat, why?”

“I don’t hear anything.”

“That’s because I’m in my hunting boat with the whisper motor.”

Interesting. “What kind?”

“Motor Guide Xi3. Nothing major. Thirty pounds of thrust does the job. DC.”

Those terms coming from a woman brought a surprise twitch to his cock. “I need to come inspect the integrity of your home security.”

“Now? Why?”

“There’s a mole.”

“Oh shit, where?”

“Somewhere in these swamps.”

“Well…you need help, I’m available.”

He had to wonder over the eagerness. Bored? Wanted to see him? “How’s your brother?”

She sighed long. “A mess. It’s hard to see him like he is and it’s painful to drop my nephew off knowing his visits only confirm nothing he does will ever be good enough to help his daddy. Every weekend he goes over there with new plans and hope and every time I pick him up I get to hear how there’s no difference. How long before Jason starts blaming himself or feeling like he’s the reason he’s not well?”

“I had intended to visit him tonight.”


“Was gonna bring the Seer with me.”

“As in our Seer of the Swamp?”

“Yes. Your brother is technically my brother now and I wanted to check on him.”

“But…I… I didn’t even say yes yet.”

Right. “Well…will you?”

“Will I what?”

“Agree to my proposition.” He’d changed his words at the last moment, not wanting to use the heavymarryterm if she was having cold feet.

“Yes,” she said. “I am.”

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