Page 35 of Nitro

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His muscles released. “Thank you.”

She was quiet a few seconds before giving a mumbled, “You’re welcome.” There was nothing else in her tone but business it seemed. Good.

“Why are you bringing The Seer?”

He dodged a small swarm of lightening bugs. “To help me see the things I can’t.”

“And then?”

“And then I’ll know better how to help him.”

He sure hoped she wasn’t the type to fight over such a thing.

“Well…he can use any help he can get. That’s really nice of you even if it is a duty-bound thing. I mean it’s nice you’re a duty-bound man. Jason will be thrilled.”

“Hmm.Youdon’t sound so thrilled.”

“It’s not that, it’s…John’s in a spiral. Everything you try to do for him seems to lend speed to that damn spin.”

“You’re saying people trying to help him—”

“I’m saying anytime somebody tries to do anything for him, he seems to be worse off. Like he knows he’s not getting no better and is failing somebody else.”

He checked her status, seeing she was two minutes from home. “Do you think he wants to get better?”

She didn’t answer then took a big breath. “I don’t know anymore, Ethan. I like to believe there’s always a chance for everybody, just have to dig it out. I think he does want to get better but honestly thinks there is no way out of his private hell. But me and everybody I know has been praying a long time that something or somebody would manage to break through. Maybe you’re that person or that something.”

Well fuck. “No pressure, there.”

“Now, don’t say that,” she softly admonished. “Nobody is expecting anything. It’s only me and you and The Seer that knows anyway. Right?”

“And the rest of The Twelve. I inquired about your brother during the meeting and made my plans known.” He held back the part about him not remembering about the wife.

“Well, thems your brothers, though right? They know how these things go.”

Her swamp dialect was funnier in light of how she corrected Jason’s grammar. And how she cared about him feeling pressured. Little bayou gem. “They do.” He heard different sounds in the background and looked at her screen. “Where are you?”

“Stopping at the Muck and Marsh.”

“You have protection?”

“What you mean? Like a gun?”


“Course I do, I never go anywhere without my twelve-gauge Mossberg and Ruger. Cause I’malwayshunting.”

Another cock twitch. “Good. You still shouldn’t be out after dark at this time. Do me a favor. From now on, no more night trips. Do everything in the day.”

She made a couple sputter-huffs then followed with a “Yes sir,Bossman.”

The obnoxious stress she put onbossmight be that flaw he was looking for.Which would be a pretty big flaw for their arrangement. He’d need to try those boundaries, see if it was fatal sized.

“Well, I’m gonna need two hands here real soon,” she announced.

“Two hands?”

“Oh, Daniel is still here. Good.”
