Page 4 of All Of My Firsts

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Who doesn’t want to ride in a limo? It’s wholly unnecessary, which obviously makes it necessary for this list.

Go to a concert or festival.

Zoey might be my hype girl for this. She lives at festivals in the summer.

Do karaoke.

This one won’t be my favourite. I hate singing. I’m not good at it but for one night, I’ll be someone’s entertainment.

Be kissed under the stars.

I have to try and get some romance in somehow.

Get a tattoo.

I hate to admit this, but Grayson might be the best person to help me with this one. From what I remember, the man has a fair few tattoos. Not that I sit and imagine them. Well, not that often. Once a day is healthy, right?

Say yes for a whole day.

I’ll need to figure out someone to help me here and push me outside of my comfort zone. Otherwise, I’ll be asking myself lame questions like: ‘do you want to stay in and do a crossword puzzle? Why yes Nora, I do’. Like I said, lame.

Fall in love… for the first time.

That’s a big one, and not one I think I’ll achieve any time soon but it’s there and it’ll happen, one day.

I can’t think of another one yet, I hate leaving the list on an odd number, but I’ll have to come back to it.

Now I just need to actually do the things on my list.

Chapter 2


“Mate,thatofficecontractfor the new construction company over in Chelsea? I heard that Killian Harris’ company was after that one too, but you’ve just swiped it from under their noses. Sneaky fucker. You’ve got the first draft contract drawn?” Liam asks as he fusses around the kitchen looking for water glasses. In his defence, he’s only recently moved in with Jess and Nora, so he probably still doesn’t have any idea where things are.

“I have, and it’s signed already. I met with the owner, Ethan, yesterday and he signed there and then.” I metaphorically puff out my chest, pleased that I landed such a big deal.

This contract is my first big score since working for Liam and getting my promotion at the end of last year. I met Ethan on a night out a few months ago when he told me about his construction company, and how they were looking for a space to rent in central London. So I wooed him and swooped in last night with my fancy tequila and company credit card. By the end of the night, he agreed to a deal and before I knew it, I had secured a five million pound lease with him.

Thank you, Don Julio, for the assist, but I’ll take the credit for this one.

Liam slaps my shoulder as he congratulates me. “Yes mate, you fucking shark. I knew you were made for this.”

He’s right. I’m good at my job but it’s because of him. Liam taught me everything I know in the corporate real estate business. He’s been born and bred with this company, his dad starting it in his home office, and now it has clients all over the UK, and more recently, internationally.

We’ve been friends for years now. Liam was there for me when other people weren’t. He helped me get my life on track when I was a lost kid who struggled to hold down any kind of friendship, let alone a relationship. My parents divorced the year I met him, and they both left London when I was nineteen. I spent the best part of my childhood being a pawn in their marriage. It made me bitter, and I hated everything and everyone. My dad moved up north to be nearer his brother, whilst Mum went across the pond to America to be nearer her newest boy-toy.

But me? I didn’t want to leave London. I had my whole life here. So, I dug my heels in, refusing to follow either of them. They left me with enough money to see me through a year's worth of London rent, which, of course, I blew on booze, food, and whatever the fuck else a nineteen-year-old boy wants.

A few months later, I met Liam, and the rest is history. He took me in five years ago, forced me to be his friend, gave me a job and a place to stay. I owe him a lot.

A blur of brunette hair whips past my shoulder, snapping me from my thoughts, and pounces on Liam. This is Jess, Liam’s fiancée, the one responsible for the hearts in his eyes. For real though, he’s happy and I’m happy for him. Jess has been good for him. Anyone with eyes can see they’re madly in love.

The other Scott female, Nora, is a very different story. She isn’t my biggest fan. Well, she was that one night, but since then we’ve barely spoken. Despite my plan to chase after her, I remembered that I don’t do relationships, and I talked myself out of it. It’s probably better for my ego that we don’t say much to each other anyway. Sex has always been a transaction for me, to scratch an itch and I can’t offer more. She’s the only woman who has ever told me that sex with me was ‘okay’ and yeah, I’m still pretty sore about it. I now hate the wordokayand refuse to use it anymore because I feel hot rage building in my stomach if I even think about saying it. As petty payback, I beat her at a few games ofUnoaround Christmas time and thenMonopoly. Liam warned me that I would’ve been better off letting her win, but me being me, I couldn’t. My pride needed the boost.

I did learn that my competitive side seems to piss her off, which, of course, I love. Although she didn’t seem to mind that night when I made it my personal mission to make her see stars over and over again. But I’m activelynotthinking about that because it was just ‘okay’.Ooof, there’s that little ragey feeling again. Chill the fuck out, man. You’re a sex-champion and you know it.

Speaking of Nora, she rounds the corner into the now slightly crowded kitchen, freezing when she sees me, her big brown eyes zoning in on me, her full, pouty lips pursing at my presence. But just like that, the rage I’ve just been feeling about our ‘okay’ encounter dissipates the second I see her, which is really fucking confusing.
