Page 41 of All Of My Firsts

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I pause, my body stiffening in defiance as I refuse to obey his request, hoping I don’t get trapped in this spell he seems to cast over me every bloody time I’m near him.

“Did I stutter? I said take… them… off. Now.” His hand squeezes around my wrist, reminding me he’s still holding me; the sensation heats my blood to boiling.

Good fucking God. What the fuck am Isupposedto do? I know I’msupposedto push him away. Last year’s Nora would’ve done that, pre-hallway sex Nora had more self-control, but today’s Nora can’t seem to comply. Today’s Nora battles with her vagina and her brain.And talks to herself in third person, apparently.

Here in the darkness with Grayson, it feels too easy to sneak a taste of him again, to dip my hand into the snack cupboard and I’m not sure I can stop myself… or if I want to.

“If you don’t take them off, I’m going to do it for you, and I won’t be gentle. Give me your underwear, Nora. I want them.” His words scatter like goosebumps all over my skin and I shiver as I decide if I actually want him to tear them off me. Eventually I obey his request. I lift my dress enough to slip my hand to my hip. My flesh exposed, my eyes flutter closed at the thrill of being caught mixed with the cool air brushing over my exposed skin is intoxicating.

His breath catches on his next intake as if he can smell me, making my eyes fly open to see him. Pushing him to the edge of his control, I pull down my underwear and shimmy it down my thighs, letting it hit my feet. I step sideways, my body grieving the loss of Grayson’s heat, but right now, I want nothing more than to tease him.

I hold his eye contact, arching my back so my breasts almost touch his shirt. “You’re used to being on your knees for me, right? Pick them up if you want them.” I command, biting my lower lip as his eyes dart to where my discarded underwear lies on the floor. His grey eyes flare with arousal and victory sings in my chest.

And I walk off, with a fire in between my legs and a thumping in my chest. Silently questioning who I’m teasing more.

I focus on my feet, carrying me back to my friends, deciding that if I do give in to Grayson, I need a pros and cons list. I like how my resolve has gone fromabsolutely nottoif.

Jesus, I’m weak.

Okay, so, reasons this isreallybad idea:

He’s Liam’s best friend and if we don’t work out that could make things awkward.

He’s not one for romance; no chocolates and flowers in my future with him (but he’d sure as hell fuck me until I forgot all about romance)

I’m not looking for a quick fuck.

He’s insanely hot.

I’m incredibly horny.

He has muscles for days…

Wait, I’m not sure what this list was meant to be anymore. Am I convincing myself or deterring myself? Fuck, I’ve forgotten.

I decide to find Zoey as I need a distraction. And when I do, she’s still absolutely dancing to her own music, and I join her on the dance floor. It doesn’t take long for my mind to wander back to Grayson. Realistically, thisisa bad idea. A very bad one. He’s going to break my heart, and that’s what puts a stop to all these lusty, naughty thoughts. It won’t work. It can’t happen. I just need to convince my body, and maybe my brain too.But remember, you wanted more adventure and to make your life less vanilla.

I roll my eyes, remembering my list and how much he’s helped me already. I run my fingers over the tattoo, thinking about how he’s so much more than I thought he was and how much that scares me. The playboy version, I can handle but the sweet, kind version–he leaves me feeling things I don’t know what to do with.

I push the thoughts away for now as I move my hips, rolling them to the thumping beat, my body heating with the knowledge that Grayson is the only person who knows I have no knickers on right now.

Zoey and I dance for a few songs until I feel a heavy presence behind my back. Zoey has turned her attention to a guy next to her, ignoring my silent pleas to save me from the mistake I know I’m about to make.

Grayson’s fingers dig into my skin deliciously hard as I involuntarily, or maybe very voluntarily, grind my hips backwards into his pelvis. When he groans into my ear and his grip tightens to the point of pain, I know I’m done for. My entire body responds immediately, open and raw like nerves without skin. My nipples ache, my mouth parts in a silent moan, and my insides clench in anticipation of his proximity.

“Fuck Nora. Do you even realise how naughty you are? Teasing me like that will only earn you a punishment.” He tuts into my ear and excitement pulses in my veins. I never really had a kink, but he just might be the one to bring it out of me.

“What kind of punishment?” I look around to see if anyone can see us. As if he reads my mind, he walks backwards moving us to the shadows of the dancefloor. He smirks, knowing I’m intrigued, and while his smile tells me he likes it, his hard cock pressed between us tells me he wants it.

“That’s for me to know, and you to enjoy when it happens.” He squeezes my arse and I have to stop my eyes from rolling in pleasure. His hands are one of the things I’ve never hated about him; big, manly, tattooed, corded with thick veins that lead up his forearms. I’d like to completely give into him right now. Feel him cupping my breasts as he fucks me from behind, wrapping those perfectly massive hands around my neck and making me see stars.

Instantly I feel wetness pooling between my thighs, that I desperately try to ignore.

“We should get back to the table. I think Jess needs to go home.” My voice cracks on the last word because the last thing I want to do is go home alone.

He huffs, and a hot shot of his breath assaults my skin, “Always thinking about others and never yourself. Tell me shorty, when are you going to take something for you?” With that he steps away from me and disappears back to the table, leaving me panting and needy. For fuck’s sake, resisting Grayson is quickly becoming a full time job. One I don’t have time for.

Maybe you shouldn’t resist then.
