Page 42 of All Of My Firsts

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Entering into an agreement with the devil is everything I swore to myself I wouldn’t do but, he’s far too tempting. That’s the problem with Gods of the underworld, corrupt characters in books and even Satan himself, isn’t it? They lure you in with their irresistible charm and fake promises only to watch you burn when it’s all ripped away again.

So why can’t I convince myself that this is a bad idea? Why am I falling for his tricks and waiting for his next instruction like a good fucking girl?

Chapter 18


Weallwalk,wellsome of us – Zoey - stumble, out of the club, to head home, but when I see a huge, black stretch limo waiting on the edge of the pavement, with a grinning Grayson standing next to it, I freeze, making Zoey bump into the back of me. He’s staring directly at me, as if he’s silently reminding me thathave sex in a limowas on my list. There’s no way he got this limo for me.

“Everything okay?” He nods his chin towards me, smiling far too smugly.

I compose myself and pick my jaw up off the floor. “Fine, just fine. Did you organise this?”

Everyone brushes past me, excited to get in our ride home, whilst Grayson steps towards me and I realise I’m losing air quicker than I can gain it back.

“Don’t worry, shorty, I won’t fuck you in the limo… not unless you’re a really bad girl for me.” He smirks, dropping his voice to a seductive purr. My body responds in kind, pulsing, throbbing, and wanting to throw itself at him. But I don’t, I can’t because everyone is waiting for us inside the limo… the one that I’m not going to have sex in.

“Did you get this for me because of the list?” I ask.

“Of course I did. One more thing ticked off. Although I am disappointed, we’re probably going to stick to your PG version of the limo ride.”

I wonder if he remembers that if you play with fire, you’re going to get burned, so I decide to fan the flames a little. “You know I don’t think you’ve fully thought this through… how crazy will it drive you knowing that I’m in a limo… and my underwear is in your pocket?” I whisper into the night air, just loud enough that he can hear me.

The wave of lust that vibrates from him can be felt streets away. He moves to the open door, holding his hand out for me to take. When I step forwards his hand brushes the small of my back and I tremble, inwardly cursing myself. Inside, the only space left means we’re forced to sit next to each other and right now that feels like torture.

As I get seated, readjusting my dress, I find Zoey staring at me with a look that I choose to ignore. I hear a curse and a grunt from outside Zoey notices too and gives me a suggestively raised eyebrow. Seriously she’s going to make things obvious if she carries on. Two seconds later, Grayson eases himself in next to me. Our thighs are pressed against one another, and he moves his arm behind my shoulders to rest on the back of the seat. I look at the ceiling, which is decorated with tiny little star lights, and start counting them to distract from everything that’shim. I’ve sat next to him before. This is just like any other time.

Having said that, I can’t look at him. I know he’ll have the very same look on his face that got me into bed with him months ago, and my resolve is hanging on by a thread after tonight.

The limo makes its way into the London traffic and Jess, with her head firmly resting on Liam’s chest, starts full on snoring, making everyone chuckle.

“She’s a keeper, you know,” Zoey says to him.

“Yeah, she is,” Liam says quietly, before he kisses her head as she snores louder and my heart squeezes for them.

As we drive past Oxford Street, the local shop windows are littered with Easter displays, even though we’ve just had Valentine’s Day last week. That’s the thing about living in a city; everything moves a million miles an hour, even the shop displays. I love living in London, but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live in a tiny village in the Cotswolds, where everyone knows everyone and there are still Christmas lights up in March.

Maybe I’ll do that, add that to my list, because my current ability to do things that arenew to meare limited to letting Grayson put his head between my legs and brand me with his handwriting. Going to the Cotswolds is surely a safer option than doing that again.

When the limo jolts to a halt outside Grayson’s flat, he jumps out so fast it pushes me against Zoey. He pokes his head back in to say goodbye but doesn’t look at me. Just like that, he’s gone.

This is why we can’t get involved. I’ll get attached and he will be aloof all the time, leaving my heart in shreds when he leaves me because he will leave. It’s definitely better this way.

We drop Zoey home and then arrive at our house. The three of us stumble out of the limo and somehow Liam persuades Jess to walk to the front door. “Jesus, she’s like Bambi. How much did we drink?” Liam asks, amused, watching Jess zigzag up the path to the front door.

“I honestly lost count, but she’s happy. You make her really happy.”

I see a flicker of gratitude cross his face as he smiles at me and then back at his future wife. “She makes me really fucking happy, too.”

Inside, I’m immediately hit with warmth and comfort of being home. Liam leads Jess to bed, and I flick the kettle on.A night out isn’t complete without a cup of tea. As the kettle boils behind me, my phone lights up on the counter as Grayson’s name flashes across the screen. I hesitate, unsure if answering is the best idea. Well, that’s what the rational part of my brain is saying. The other part has grabbed the phone already, and accepts his call like it’s a siren only meant for me.

“Grayson, you, okay?” My voice is trembling, not knowing how to keep it even anymore. I breathe out a long silent exhale, willing my pulse to slow.

“Yeah,” is all he says.

“Wait, tell me what’s wrong.”

He pauses, and if it wasn’t for his ragged breathing, I would think he’s hung up. “Nora, I want you. I shouldn’t. I know it’s a bad idea, but I can’t stop this feeling and it’s driving me fucking wild. You drive me wild. You have since last year and I can’t get you out of my head.”
