Page 78 of All Of My Firsts

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“That’s not what you were saying last night,” I say, smirking at my girl.

“Shut it,” Nora says, zipping her lips and swaying her gorgeous hips as she walks away, bending to pick up a box as she goes, giving me a full view of her arse again. God, she kills me.

A few gruelling hours later and we’ve donated, tidied, and moved me into the townhouse. The humidity hasn’t let up, but at least the sun is going down now.

I flop my exhausted body onto the sofa. “I’m never moving again.” I exhale a loud grunt as I stretch out my tired body when I feel my girl land gently on my lap. The euphoria that fills my veins is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. My heart feels too big for my chest, when she’s near me it’s like sitting in direct sunlight, and I’ll never get enough of her. My hands move to her hips as I shift her closer to me, so our chests are flush and she’s straddling me now.

“Hi, baby,” she coos, placing her hands around my neck and pressing her petite frame into my chest.

I angle my head so I can see her on my chest, and I stay that way for a while, just listening to her heart beating, feeling so fucking grateful that she belongs to me. I let out a deep, content sigh, because that’s exactly how I feel. Content. And I feel like I’ve spent my whole life trying tobecontent and never fully achieving it until this moment with her, inourhouse.

“You okay?” she asks, absently stroking my hair on the back of my neck.

I look up at her, those deep caramel eyes glowing at me, wisps of amber sparking to life as soon as my hands drift up to her back and my fingertips dust over the exposed skin on her back. “More than okay. I feel like I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.”

Epilogue – Four years later


Imakemywayhome for the day and when I walk through the familiar dark front door of our house in Victoria Park, I’m greeted with the most wonderful sounds of my boys playing together.

My boys.I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to that. We had our beautiful baby boy fourteen months ago. His full name is Oscar Grayson King, but we call him Ozzy for short. Once Jess had Poppy, our niece, Grayson got all googly eyed. It took him a whole month to admit that he wanted to try for a baby. He told me he wanted to make sure that I wanted it too and we were ready before he said anything. This man I share my life with has spent the last four years surprising me. He’s so committed and the best father I could ever ask for our baby boy.

Sneaking into the living area to see them playing with dinosaurs, I’m not sure who is having the most fun. Probably Grayson. Watching them together fills my heart with so much joy I get tingles in my throat. Two big blue-grey eyes spot me and shout, “Mama,” as Ozzy comes barrelling into my open arms.

His tiny arms wrap around my neck, making my eyes close in bliss. He pats me and says my name over and over. Grayson smiles and walks towards us. I’m not sure I’ll ever get over how fucking hot he is and how I ended up being so lucky.

His dark hair is more unkept these days, and he usually has stubble that feels absolutely divine when he’s between my legs. I’ve told him he isn’t allowed to be clean shaven anymore as I’m addicted. He’s still my biggest crush; the person who kicks up my body temperature when I see him.

He tilts my chin as I shift Ozzy onto my hip and places an all too swift kiss on my lips. His eyes darken at my whimper, and he mouthslaterto me.

“Aren’t you glad Mama’s home, Oz?” Grayson coos as he walks around me grabbing a handful of my bum and squeezing whilst growling in my ear. I slap him away a tell him no fair if I can’t touch, neither can he.

“Dinner is almost done. I’ve been home an hour or so playing with our boy, so I let Dora go early. She made us lasagne whilst Ozzy napped, so I figured she deserved an early finish.”

“Of course, that sounds perfect. Dora texted me at lunch because she couldn’t find Oz’s bunny he sleeps with, but it was in our bed.”

Dora has been our nanny for the last year, since I started part time back at work and she’s a godsend. We couldn’t live without her. Her lasagnes are amazing, but more than that, Ozzy adores her. She’s like his surrogate grandmother. Not that his actual grandparents don’t adore him, because they do. Ozzy and Poppy are the most spoiled grandchildren ever.

We amble into the kitchen to sit together at the dinner table and eat Dora’s famous lasagne. Ozzy claps his hands gleefully when I sit him in his chair. He’s such a foodie, exactly like his daddy.

When we’ve finished dinner, Grayson leans into Ozzy and lifts him out of his chair. “We’ll be right back, Mama. Stay there,” he says as my brows meet in confusion. But I sit and listen, staying where I am, wondering what is going on.

A few minutes later, Ozzy waddles back in without Grayson and I scoop him up when he gets to me, sitting him on my lap. “Hi, baby boy. Where’s Daddy gone?” I ask. Ozzy points behind me to Grayson, who has an amused look on his face. “Okay, what’s that face for? What’s going on? Am I missing something?”

Grayson takes two strides forward and bends to kiss me lightly. I feel dizzy from his touch. He pulls back, cheeky smirk firmly in place. “Ozzy, show Mama what you have.”

I look down at our baby, who isn’t really a baby anymore. He started walking at ten months and he babbles nonstop. Ozzy smiles and pats his tummy, and that’s when I notice he’s wearing a t-shirt that says, ‘Mama, will you marry Daddy?’My breath catches in my throat as I look at Ozzy, who’s smiling up at Grayson. Grayson drops to his knee and I’m staring at a ring that’s got three diamonds sitting in a row.

“What do you say, shorty? Wanna marry me?” he says with so much confidence and adoration that my heart flips around acrobatically in my chest.

“Yes,” I croak on a sob. “I want to marry you.”

I stand, propping Ozzy on my hip as Grayson encases my face and pulls me into a kiss that steals my soul right out of my body. This man. He’s shown me everything, his big heart, and he’s loved me with it so fiercely. I never want to let him go.

Ozzy taps the sides of our connected faces, “Mama down,” he demands, trying to wiggle free of my hold. I gently put him down and he waddles around our feet.

“I’m really lucky to have you both,” Grayson says as I look up at him, his grey eyes shimmering and swirling with emotion.
