Page 43 of Tangled Sanctuary

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“I’ll try to keep that in mind.”

I kissed him again, slower this time. His arm wound around my waist, tucking me into him as we melted into our own little world. Safety wrapped around me like a cocoon; I was fighting back yawns in no time.

He noticed, his chuckle brushing the top of my head as he spoke.

“Sleep, I’ll still be here tomorrow.”

I’d hold him to that.

Letting my eyelids slide shut, I sank into the welcome bliss of sleep as darkness overtook my vision.

Chapter 20

I whistled along to the radio as I flipped the pancake in the skillet. Oliver and I had days off today, meaning I’d gotten to wake up next to him. It was beyond nice, his sleepy face being the first thing I saw in the morning.

His massage last night had knocked me out cold and now I felt refreshed, the previously sore muscles not even twinging in complaint as I danced around the kitchen.

Just as I plated the last pancake and turned off the oven, an arm wound around my waist and tugged me back into a familiar chest. Leaning into him, I smiled over my shoulder and spoke.

“Good morning! Since neither of us has to work, I figured I’d get started on breakfast.”

He smiled, eyes barely open and still bleary from sleep. His grip was firm, though, as he dipped to kiss my shoulder. “Sounds good, I’m starving.”

Before I could move away, he tightened his hold, and his voice lowered to a rumble. “And I mean for more than just the food.”

Heat lingered under his tone and I froze, spatula still hovering over the counter. Sparks flashed between my thighs and I swallowed hard, breathing in the scent that was purely Oliver. When a steady thrum started between my legs, I spoke.

“Aren’t you too tired for that?”

He snorted, mouth leaving a trail of lazy kisses along my throat as he grunted. “I’m never too tired for this.” To prove it he pressed closer, rubbing the tent in his sleep pants between my thighs. Instinctively I rose up on my toes, biting back a moan at the heated steel poking me.

He wasn’t fully filled out yet, but something told me it wouldn’t take much to get him there and I clenched on nothing, rocking back into him as if I were in a trance.

His hand snaked around to my front, dipping under my nightgown and past my underwear with practiced ease.When he sank two fingers in, I leaned back on him with a quiet moan.

“There we go, that’s the sound I love hearing the most from you.” He said, breath brushing my neck as he started a steady pace, only his arms keeping me standing as he worked me over. His other hand trailed to my chest, rolling and rubbing my nipple as he scraped his teeth against my neck.

My skin all but vibrated from the different sensations, and I rocked into his hand, needing just that bit more friction. I was already close, the band in my stomach tightening more with every slide, but just as I was about to topple over, he stopped.

I groaned, trying to rut into him, but he moved with me, not letting me get any friction. When I could hardly see through the frustration, I grumbled. “Oliver...” It was more of a whine than anything, and he nipped my ear.

“I need to know what you want, so I’m going to give you a few options, and you’re going to tell me which one sounds the best, okay?”

I could barely think through the arousal hammering through me, but I nodded. Thankfully he didn’t drag it out.

“I could keep doing this until you unravel on my fingers. If you choose that, I’ll slide between your thighs and finish that way.” A shiver trailed over my skin, raising goosebumps in its wake as I bit my lip. I needed to hear the rest before making my decision, no matter how nice that sounded.

He paused for a beat, letting that sink in, and then continued. “Or I could bend you over that table there until neither of us are capable of thinking. Which do you want?”

I almost went with the first, just because the image he’d planted was tantalizing, but forcing a deep breath to clear some of the lust, I answered without words.

Pressing a hand flat to his chest, I pressed him back and walked to the table. Without a word, I leaned over it, hearing his low groan echo through the room.

“That’s a glorious sight.” He said, his presence moving through the kitchen until he hovered behind me. His hands rested on either side of me before one of them drifted to my nightgown. Flipping it up, he trailed a finger into my underwear and pulled it to the side for better access.

I bit my lip, anticipation stretching my nerves to their breaking point as something thick and hot pressed between my legs. He didn’t move forward, though, seemingly content to press against my entrance and slide up and down.

I was all but leaking with arousal now, the liquid coating him on every swipe, and when another minute passed with no progress, I whined. “Oliver, please stop teasing me.”
