Page 11 of Haldor

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For tonight I will forget everything and just be in the moment, just experience this overwhelming feeling of rightness. The worst will be that when I leave I will know what I am missing, I will know the unhappiness of being with someone that will never be able to make me feel like I am feeling at this moment.

A tear rolls down my cheek but I quickly rub my face against Haldor’s chest before he can see my sadness. I might not know this man, but I am certain that he isn’t the type to let me go easily. He will do everything in his power to keep me with him and the worst is that I know that I could be happy with him, but Papa has made promises, has depended on me for my part, I cannot let him go through the embarrassment of a daughter that has broken his promise, it would threaten his leadership.

“You are so beautiful,” Haldor’s voice rumbles through me like an erotic vibration that shoots all over my body. He lowers my legs until my feet are once again touching the ground, his hands moving up from my waist up to my neck, his thumbs stroking under my chin, lifting it gently until my eyes are staring into his. There is an intenseness in his gaze that talks of pain, of passion, of past hurts. I want to hold him tight and help him forget everything that has happened before.

I don’t know what this man has done before me, what he has lived, but one thing I am certain of is that he has known pain. I am hypnotized as I see him slowly lowering his head until his lips are once again taking mine in a tango of passion. It is a dance of desire that I have never experienced before, a dance of erotic lust coursing through my body like an explosion of ambrosia.

Our breath tangles in an invisible knot that draws both of us closer until there is no end and no beginning. I want this man, I have never experienced anything like this before, from the minute we met that it seems like my very energy is vibrating with uncontrollable feelings of desire.

I don’t know how long we are kissing before Haldor is stroking his hands down my back, over my hair to my waist. It feels like an eternity, but I know it couldn’t be more than a couple of minutes. The feel of his fingertips stroking the skin of my back has my skin bursting with bumps that send a chill up my spine. I sigh in pleasure as he breaks the kiss to run his lips over my cheek to my neck, his fingers continuing their erotic ministration of my skin.

I know that I should stop this, that I shouldn’t let him seduce me with his sweet kisses and scolding touch. I know that if he continues It will be so much harder to leave without a piece of me staying behind. My brain knows all of that, but my emotions, my heart will not let me give up on whatever this is.

My fingers slide up his strong neck until they are entwined in his hair. I hear him growl deep in his throat which entices me to bring my other hand down over his shoulder to his chest. The muscles under my fingertips rippling as I stroke them. His strength is palpable, his masculine aura intense with power.

I want to desperately pull his shirt off, I want to see his muscles rippling instead of just feeling them, but a part of me is shy. Will he think of me as wanton? I have never felt like this, never had this desperate need to be with someone. “I want you!” His words are evidence that he’s in the same wavelength as me.

I gasp as suddenly he is taking a step back and ripping his t-shirt off his body, his magnificent torso rippling with muscles, a beautiful wing tattoo that whispers over his chest around his upper left arm and to his back catches my eye. I am hypnotized with his every movement, his fingers undoing the buttons of his jeans, his eyes never leaving mine seeing my every reaction, my every sigh. When he is standing before me naked, I am still frozen in place staring at him, a man that has surprised me with his intenseness and masculine perfection.

He takes a step closer; my breath catches as he stretches out his hand taking hold of my upper arm, he pulls me against his body. The heat radiating from his body is like a furnace that ignites my every lustful thought. One minute I am standing completely dressed against him, the next he is divesting me of every stick of clothing that I have on. His eyes taking in every inch of my skin, his expression one that tells me that he likes what he sees.

I have never been one that thought much about what the man I was with would think about me, I never really cared if he liked me or not because I always thought that I would land up with Duke. I am now overwhelmed with insecurity, worried that he won’t be pleased with me. I have never been with anyone, never had the opportunity to stray as I was always kept in camp and if I ever did go out someone would always accompany me.

Now that I am suddenly away from everyone and everything that I was used to, I feel slightly lost to what I should do. I always wanted my freedom, wanted the opportunity to be completely carefree. I feel that I can be like that with Haldor, that I can forget everything even if just for today and just live in the moment. When he starts to kiss me, I slide my arms around his waist throwing my inhibition away. I know that tomorrow I am going to regret this, that when I go back home I will have to answer for this, but I am sure that Duke will whine and rant but at the end of the day he won’t break our agreement as he has always been greedily awaiting this moment. His goal is to be able to be the next leader and that will only happen if he marries the leaders daughter.

All thoughts fly out of my mind as Haldor gently lays me down on the huge bed, his lips kissing down my neck seductively, his hand slowly stroking up my torso until his thumbs are gently caressing under my breasts. I have chills racing all over my body for each stroke of his thumbs. His lips are now leaving my neck and kissing my chest moving closer and closer to my nipple. Its like we are too sides of a magnet, one the positive and the other the negative as he draws closer it feels like my nipple is desperately pebbling in anticipation. When his lips finally close around my nipple it’s like an explosion of the senses.

My breathing is labored, my heart is beating like a drum in my ears, my senses an explosion of fireworks. The touch of our skin a magical feeling of oneness. I run my hand through his hair as he continues to worship my breasts. I am still flabbergasted on how comfortable I am with this man that I have only met today. I feel like I have known him my whole life, I feel like what I have always been so desperately looking for has appeared in this man. Unfortunately, it has come at a time that I can’t accept, except for today as soon I will have to go back.

When Haldor starts making his way down my body, his lips kissing my navel, his hands running over my hips, down to my upper thighs. I can’t believe this is happening, my brain is swimming in a stormy fog. When his lips are suckling at my most passionate bud I gasp in pleasure. The feel of his tongue running over my juices, lapping at them, blowing my mind.

I try to be quiet but I’m overwhelmed, close to a summit of feelings that he feeds with his lustful touches. He rises on his knees slowly lowering his body on mine, his majestic hardness penetrating my virginal tunnel. I am waiting for a tearing feeling of pain to shoot through me and am surprised at the tiny twinge of discomfort when he thrusts deeply into my depth.

He stops raising his head from where he was kissing my neck, his body vibrating around me. “Did I hurt you?” he asks, a frown adorning his forehead. I want to say no, but I doubt I will be able to string a sentence together, instead I shake my head.

He starts to pull out, I panic thinking that he will be leaving me. Raising my legs, I cross them around his back as I pull him closer, gasping when he deepens his thrust. He growls throwing his head back in pleasure.

“I join us forever and always, where one goes the other shall follow. I will hold you above everyone and everything else. I will protect you until my last breath. My body, my soul and mind are forever yours and yours is mine.” His words surround me like a blanket of emotions that intensify this act of passion that we are having.

His gentle touch and penetrating thrusts are like an earth-shattering experience that leaves me breathless and my mind racing with wonder. His words seemed to touch my very soul; I have never felt so deeply like Haldor is making me feel. I have never experienced such outwardly sensations like I am feeling at this very moment. “Haldor” I gasp as I feel every nerve in my body tensing, feel every cell in my body racing as if readying itself for an explosion, there is a pressure within me as he continues his deep thrusts.

His lips take mine in a desperate battle of passion, the kiss seems to push me over the edge as everything within me seems to explode in a shower of light that leaves me floating in an out of body sensation. I hear Haldor groan as he tenses, a moment passes and then he is leaning down gently over me, kissing my neck he murmurs, “mine.”

I should be angry at his possessiveness, but after what I have just experienced with this man I want to scream to the heavens that I am his, if only it could be true.


After centuries of hearing my brothers talking about their bonds and how the mating would change the way they thought, the way they acted and most importantly it would calm their fury. I always thought it was a whole lot of shit, not about the fury but about how they embellished how everything changed within them when they bonded. I now know the truth; it is difficult to explain the way bonding makes us feel.

Looking over at Druza as she sleeps peacefully, I find myself smiling, my fingers lightly stroking the silky skin of her upper arm. I believe that she has come into my life just in time, I was ready to give up, tired of all the anger, the constant fight for sanity. Now I want to live, I want to experience as much as possible with my woman.

I will do everything in my power to make Druza happy, to protect her against anyone and everyone that might harm her in any way, against the cruelness in this world. As an Elemental, our woman is our life. If anything happens to our mate we are lost, our world no longer makes sense without her. This woman in my arms is my biggest weakness, but she is also my strength.

We have just bonded, and I can already feel the changes in me, my strength feels boundless, and I know that if I was to use my power to bend the earth around me it would be stronger too. Druza will also feel the change within herself as all the bonds strengthen the woman’s power too. Her immune system will be stronger and she will live as long as I will live.

Closing my eyes I pull her closer as I enfold her within my arms, the rightness of this moment gives me peace. Now I know why my brothers are prepared to kill to protect this bond, after so much darkness, so much pain, finding this deep peace within has kindled the light that has been absent for so long.

My body is alive with an explosive passion, I want to make love to Druza again and again but knowing that she was a virgin when I took her has me holding back. I know that I won’t be able to sleep, the passion running through my body is like a ticking bomb. I take in a deep breath trying to calm my raging body, I have been with many women through my very long life, women that gave me relief in one way or another, but none has ever given me this mindless release that left me shaken to my very core.
