Page 138 of The Royal Gauntlet

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“Of course, I am. Never do that again,” I order, nipping at his pec because it’s the closest thing.

“Ow. I won’t. I promise it wasn’t something that was on my bucket list.”

Fresh tears spring to my eyes. “No discussion of bucket lists or dying for the King of the Dead. I was thinking about what I was going to do without you. How would I be a mother when half my heart was with the dead? I don’t think I could have pulled myself together.”

Essos shifts out from under me, so he can sit up. He helps me into a seated position as well so our eyes are level.

“You would have done it because I know that there is nothing you wouldn’t do for Pom. It’s all moot now. I’m here, I’m not going anywhere. I strangely feel stronger.” His hand goes up to where the weapon split his skin. I kiss the jagged scar, the same scar I’ve kissed every day after kissing him.

“That’s probably the blood of the Titans.” My explanation is flimsy, but makes the most sense.

“It seems we have much to discuss.”

“Much,” I agree.

But we don’t talk. We nestle back into bed, holding each other. Essos is restless beside me, but knowing that he’s awake, that his arms are around me, helps me settle into a peaceful place, letting me find the deep sleep I’ve been seeking since I nearly lost him.

* * *

I askeveryone to come over the next morning. Callie was the only one who stayed with me, while everyone else moved back to their own homes. She was delighted to check Essos over once she found out he was awake, if only because it means she can get back to her sons. Part of her escape plan was so that the only person who could find where she and her children were tucked away was Essos. Not even she understands where they’re hidden.

Essos and I can hear everyone chattering as we go downstairs. Other than the occasional wince, he seems perfectly Essos. I stand to the back when he enters the room, letting his brother and sister smother him with hugs and kisses. Everyone has their turn, telling him everything that he’s missed. Noticeably absent are the Fates and his parents. Galen also doesn’t show his face, and I’m grateful. With Essos back, I can see the difference in everyone’s moods. They’re lighter, happier, now that he’s awake.

“So, Titus is alive?” Essos asks, rubbing my knee under the table once we’re seated.

Helene nods enthusiastically, looking noticeably brighter now that her brother is awake. “And you have Titan blood running through your veins. Your clever wife thought that if the weapon that wounded you was made from Titan blood, maybe Titan blood would heal you.”

Xavier also looks lighter, like the tension that’s been riding him since the battle with Posey has eased just enough that he can relax. “I’m glad to have you back. Solarem needs us to rule them and rule well. Catalina and I are going to be having a day each week for our citizens to air their grievances. It was all her idea, but we could use you there.” Xavier gives Cat a smile.

“All due respect, brother, but no. I have enough to deal with. I can’t manage Solarem and the Underworld. My family has to come first.” Essos tells this to Xavier, but his eyes are on me.

Helene clears her throat. “Does this mean you and Cat are getting married?”

“No!” Cat practically shouts at her. She clears her throat and then blushes, pushing her food around on her plate. “I mean, no. We discussed that Solarem shouldn’t be without a Queen, but our focus is going to be on my training and helping the people of our realm. I’ll be queen in my own right, not through marriage.”

The dubious look on Xavier’s face says otherwise, but he doesn’t contradict her.

“We’ll get out of your hair. We can deal with the details later,” Helene says. She’s the first to rise, pressing a kiss to the top of Essos’s head.

Everyone departs, even Callie, who steps outside to talk to Tink. I’m grateful she agreed to stay in Solarem until after the baby is born and while we see if Essos has any limitations. Callie won’t be staying with us, though. She’ll be in Solarem with Tink. As soon as Essos is able, he’s going to get Callie to get her sons so she can fulfill her end of the bargain with Galen.

When the house is empty and it’s just me and Essos, I wrap my arms around him. I don’t regret immediately calling everyone once Essos woke, but now that we’re alone, the relief I feel is so complete. For the first time since I was resurrected, there is no threat hanging over our heads. I’m looking forward to enjoying this time together without fear lurking in dark corners.

Essos holds me to him, knowing that we can finally breathe easier until we have Pom in our arms, because she is going to be the biggest adventure we’ll have.



The realization that I’m alone in bed is what pulls me from my sleep. After everything that happened, panic still steals my breath every so often. I glance to Essos’s side of the bed, but I’m not left wondering where he is for long.

There is a low coo from across the room. I contemplate lying there and leaving this moment between my husband and daughter, but I want to be with them too badly.

“Is mommy pretending to still be asleep?” Essos stage whispers.

I sit up, admiring them from the bed. Essos is sitting on the couch next to the window with our daughter laying on his thighs. She has her tiny hands wrapped firmly around his index fingers, a bright smile on her face as she waves his hands. Her arms and legs jerk in excitement, another happy baby coo emerging from her tiny chest.

“Can you blame me for wanting to catch some extra z’s? Someone was hungry at three a.m. and didn’t want to go back to sleep.” I toss my covers back so I can sit with them.
