Page 140 of The Royal Gauntlet

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I give an involuntary moan at the feel of him against my sensitive nerves. He leans over, pressing a kiss to my lips before withdrawing his hand.

“Would you hate me if I said I wanted another one?”

“Fuck? No. Baby? Maybe.”

Essos grin, kissing my lips. “I’ll convince you again soon. Who knows? Maybe this one will take.”

He gives me a lascivious wink before helping me up. I watch my husband’s sculpted bare ass as he struts into the bathroom to start the shower while I check on Penelope. She’s happily chewing on one of her fists. Dave is resting beside her bassinet, ready to get us if we’re needed.

We manage to keep the shower relatively tame, both with an ear turned to the baby, but Essos still manages to take me again like he’s a man who’s been starved.

* * *

I fight with the baby,wrestling her into a blue onesie with a tutu. It’s the best I’m willing to manage because dealing with multiple layers of clothing on a baby are more than I am capable of. When she’s this little, we’re enjoying these tasks, even if they’re exhausting. I’m also convinced that when she realizes that clothes can be magicked on her, she will learn to magic themoffher too.

Essos steps out of his dressing room in a white button down and a navy blue suit. I clench my thighs, knowing that we’re already running late.

His eyebrows are raised, taking in my state of undress, and likely the way I tried to hide my arousal.

“We don’t have time,” I hiss, thrusting the baby and her diaper bag at him. It’s with practice that I’ve learned if I need to be presentable, I should be the last person dressed because I will inevitably wind up with spit up or breast milk on me. I sprint into my closet, pulling on my nursing bra and dress. Our lives are a lot less glamorous, but it’s everything I wanted.

When I emerge the first time, I have two different shoes on, which my husband sweetly points out as gently as possible. The next time, I’m wearing different earrings, and by the time I have my hair done, I’ve forgotten my crown.

“It’s fine,” Essos assures me, placing something on my head that he pulled from somewhere. I don’t know why I bothered because as soon as I take Penelope from his arms, her fingers are fisted in my hair.

“Maybe we shouldn’t go.”

It’s not a serious comment, but I’m clutching my baby just a little tighter. It’s an important day and Iwantto be there, but everything is safe here. So much has happened within these walls, but I feel a level of control I don’t feel elsewhere.

We’ve entertained people in the house but have seldom left it. If we were smart, we would have spent the night in our apartment in Solarem, but leaving my house with Penelope always felt too big a step. It would have been good practice, but alas, it’s too late for that.

“She’s your best friend. Wehaveto go.”

I nod and step into his arms, letting him lead the way. “No, I know. I didn’t mean it.”

Essos pauses to cup my face, always willing to go that extra mile. “We’re going to all be safe. Xavier assured me that he not only has an army of nannies there for Pom, but she will also her own regiment of guards if we need.” He presses his lips to my forehead. “She can’t get us or Penelope. Posey is dead.”

His blue eyes sear his certainty onto my soul, and I nod. “Let’s go.”

In my mind, it’s good we’re late. We arrive just in time to take our positions at the front of the Solarem amphitheater. The open-air space is situated right on the water. Xavier looks anxious at the front of the room, wringing his hands like a nervous groom.

That day may come for Cat and Xavier, but it is not today.

Helene is seated on the other side of Essos and she holds out her hands in a give-me action. There is a question in Essos’s eyes. He knows I’m not handling today well, or letting other people hold our daughter, but I have to learn, and with him at my side, I can. I nod, and he passes her to Helene, who immediately snuggles her close and inhales her sweet baby scent.

“Nothing smells better than a baby,” she whispers, not even caring who hears. She turns to Kai beside her and places Penelope into his hands. My baby is small enough to fit in the palm of this giant’s hands.

Essos slides his arm around my shoulders, tugging me against him. “She’s okay,” he assures me, and I nod.

“I know, but…”

“No buts. You did the hard part, keeping her safe for nine months. Now you can let me and the rest of us take over. Let loose. Enjoy today.”

I never get a chance to say anything more because Octavia, Titus, Lairus, and Esmaray sweep down the aisle, taking their positions behind Xavier. I’m surprised to see Zara lead Sybil and Estelle to the dais, opposite the Titans. I glance around at the familiar faces in the crowd. Callie and Tink are seated with Luminara, Rafferty, and Gisella. My heartrate kicks up when I spy Galen, but Essos rubs my shoulder. It’s hard not to look everywhere and see a threat, but I’m trying.

“Thanks for saving my seat,” Finn jokes, dropping into the empty seat beside me. He agreed to try one of Tink’s mechanical eyes. He’s still scarred around his eyes, but it looks better, smoother, though still not the same. The other eye is covered by a burgundy eyepatch, which matches his tie and Dion’s suit and Bria’s dress.

“Always,” I assure him as if that had been my intention.
