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She hurried through a shower, gritting her teeth every time the warm spray of water hit a scrape or bruise, and there were many. Exfoliating and shaving were musts since she was with Brian every night.

In a relationship.

The words still sounded weird in her head. Even weirder rolling off her tongue.

Wait until she told Rocco. He was going to lose his mind. In a good way.

She threw on Brian’s T-shirt and padded down the hall.

The back door was open. The light on the porch was off. But a trail of candles lit a path.

Nerves fluttered in her stomach.

Smiling, she followed the candlelight out onto the lawn. Wearing his cowboy hat, Brian sat on a blanket that was surrounded by dozens of blazing candles. There was picnic basket, champagne flutes and bubbly.

She stepped on the blanket and sauntered over to him. “What are we celebrating?”

“Besides, being alive and being in love?”

She gave a little nod, her smile spreading wider.

Brian rose to his feet, then got down on one knee. “A proposal.”

Her heart started pounding so loudly she could hear it.

He reached into his back pocket and pulled something out. But it wasn’t a ring box. It was an envelope. “Open it.”

She peeled back the flap that was sealed and took out two tickets. For the upcoming charity gala to support the women’s shelter in Cheyenne. The same one they had gone to and found magic in each other. “I didn’t realize this was in less than a week.”

“Good thing I did. Charlie Sharp, will you be my date?”

She wanted to be his everything.

Funny how coming inches away from death, especially twice in one day, made her clearly see all the things lacking in her life.

Emotion ballooned inside her, but she refused to cry, even if they were tears of joy.

“Of course, I will.”

He stood, put his hat on her head and wrapped his arms around her, tugging her flush against him. “I love you.”

Every time he said those three little words, her heart rolled over slow and dreamy in her chest.

She’d already shown Brian her soft underbelly more times than she liked, and quite honestly nothing in her life had ever felt as good as having that level of trust. So, she gave herself permission to say it and revel in how deeply she meant the words, without having a gun to her head. “I love you, too.”
