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“Nope. If I thought it would, I’d ask them to reassign the work.” I figured I was just as eager to move forward as he was. After spending time with him, watching him in his studio, and interacting with his team, plus knowing he was a kind, generous soul, based on what Carrie had told me, I wouldn’t do anything to halt our progress toward a romantic relationship. A pulse beat through my middle just thinking about taking our attraction to a more physical level. It had been too long since I’d been interested in a man like that.

“Damn, girl. That makes me hotter for you.”

“Good to know I’m not the only one a little bothered by this waiting.”

“Come out with me. I want to get a date on the calendar as soon as possible after you’re done with the graphics.” Callan’s voice held a note of desperation and urgency.

“What did you have in mind?”

“I don’t know. Let’s go fishing.”

I burst out laughing. “Tempting, but no thanks.”

He laughed along with me. “Okay, okay, let me think…” The line hummed between us for a moment. “Can I surprise you?”

The rasp of his voice had me thinking of a picnic pergola, isolated from everything, draped in gossamer, with rose petals surrounding a downy soft pallet. My heart sped up. “I like surprises.”

“I’ll pick you up right now.”

I laughed. “Right now my contract isn’t done.”

“How about eleven-thirty next Saturday? Dress casually, yeah?”

“I’ll be ready.” I recited my address to him.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

So was I. So was I.



Iflipped on my signal indicator to turn into Catie’s drive, my heart beating in time with theclick, click, clickof the blinker. Damn, I hadn’t even seen her yet this morning and I already had to run the notes of a complex Rachmaninoff sonata to distract myself. The difficult chord work the composer was famous for required dedicated focus, eliminating my ability to drift into sexy-time thoughts about the woman on whose door I was about to knock.

She answered immediately, holding sandals in one hand and sneakers in the other. She smiled. “You said casual, but I wasn’t sure on shoe choice.”

I tapped the toe of one of the tennis shoes. “These might be better.”

“Are we hiking?”

I shook my head. “Not even close.”

She tipped her head to the side, her luscious red curls sweeping over her shoulder. “I’m intrigued. Come in. Just need to put on shoes and grab my purse.”

She waved me into the small but tidy living room, inviting me to take a seat. She plopped down next to me on the sofa and shoved her feet into the tennis shoes.

As she tied the laces, she watched me. “I was sort of hoping you’d bring the Tiger.”

“Yeah? You like bikes?”

“Always kind of have. But I’ve never driven one. Only been the passenger.” She grinned.

The idea of her arms around my middle, breasts pressed against my back and thighs hugging my hips, warmed me instantly. “Note to self, next time bring the bike. But for today, I think my truck is more in order.”

She started to respond, but her gaze flashed to right over my shoulder. She yelled, “Frank! No!”

Tiny paws pounced on my shoulder and a gray ball of fur crashed into my lap. I froze, not fully understanding what happened.
