Page 54 of Wicked Knight

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“Why a suitcase? I have school tomorrow, Luca.”

“So? I can take you.” I cocked my head to look her in the eyes. “You’re safe here.”

“I know. But I have to go home.”

“You put yourself in danger when you followed me to the club last night. These are the consequences.”

“I know. It was a stupid thing to do. But now it’s over. You don’t have to worry about me.”

I glanced up and took in a deep breath. As much as she wanted to stay here with me, Donata hated being told what to do. Hell if I cared. She wasn’t going anywhere until I knew for sure the club game was truly over. The idea of having her in my bed again tonight, tomorrow night, and the night after that pleased me to no end.

My gaze swept over the shiny logo on her wrist. The same logo Ava had printed on her skin the night of her murder. Who knew how far the assholes at the club were willing to take their game. For two years now, I’d been searching for Ava’s killer. I didn’t know what was worse—not knowing why she had to die, or knowing she died because of some guy’s fucked-up desires.

“I don’t want to lose you.” I brushed the back of my fingers over Donata’s soft cheek. “You’re staying with me until I say otherwise.”

“Well, when you ask so nicely. How can I refuse?” She rolled her eyes.

“Good. I’m glad we had this talk.” I released her before I fucked her on the kitchen counter, where Alfred could walk in on us at any moment. “Sit down, Ms. Salvatore.” I gestured toward one of the table settings Alfred had set up for us.

“Fine. But only because I’m starving.” She ambled to the seat next to mine.

Normally, I ate in here alone or upstairs in my office. This was a nice change of pace. Having Donata here was different—a good kind of different. I grabbed the two plates and placed one in front of her.

“I didn’t know you could cook.” She took a forkful of the eggs. “Omigod.” She covered her mouth with her hand. “Hmmm. This is so good.”

“I know. Eat.” I sat next to her and took a bite of my eggs.

“So none of this is real?”Alfred’s question swirled in my head as I watched a half-naked Donata eat breakfast in my kitchen. Somewhere between our lessons, the fights, and the incident from last night, I began to lose track of what was real and what wasn’t. Either way, I was done playing my uncle’s game. Donata had to know the truth about his plans and my hand in them. She was going to hate me. But what choice did I have?

“You must’ve cooked for a thousand women to get this good.” She reached for the coffee carafe and filled two mugs.

“Is that a question?” I chuckled and sipped my coffee.

“No.” She took another bite. “Just curious.” And there it was. Every time that femme fatale facade of hers wavered, I couldn’t help but want to wrap my arms around her and tell her everything would be fine—that she was safe with me.

“You’re the first in a long while.” I reached for her hand. “What about you? When did you start having nightmares?”

“What?” She coughed and reached for her mug. “I don’t have nightmares. Where did you get that idea?”

“You can tell me.” If only I could chase away all her monsters.

“Did something happen last week? The night you took me home drunk?” She dabbed her lips with her napkin. After considering something, she smiled then continued, “I mean, now I know we didn’t have sex. I only have flitting memories. But did you stay and watch me sleep?”



“You begged me to.” I cocked an eyebrow.

“I can’t believe you saw me like that.” She covered her face with her napkin.

I took both her hands and held them in mine until she peeked at me through her eyelashes. She looked so young when she did that. It made my chest hurt. “I won’t tell a soul. I promise.”

“You should’ve left me at the restaurant.”

“Don’t change the subject. First, you were afraid of the dark elevator. Now, you’re having nightmares.”

“It’s silly.” She waved her hand in dismissal. “I get lapses when I drink too much.” She furrowed her brows, then lifted her gaze to meet mine. “I’m not afraid of the dark anymore.”

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