Page 91 of Wicked Knight

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Alfred showed up in a black sedan. He quickly got out and darted around the car to help me in. “Jesus Christ. What did they do to you?”

“I feel better than I look.” I waved him away. As soon as he climbed back into the driver’s seat, I asked, “Is everything ready?”

“Yes.” He put the car in gear and drove off. “Though I was hoping you’d go straight to the airport instead. You know, given your condition?”

“We stick to the plan, Alfred. It must be done tonight.”

“Yes, sir.”

I sat back, shaking my head. Alfred didn’t agree with my methods, mainly because he knew they were not my methods. All my life, I’d tried to stay away from this mafia life. But the thing was, the more I fought it—the more I tried to be normal—the more I hurt the people I loved. That would have to end tonight.

An hour later, somewhere in Brooklyn, Alfred rolled to a stop in front of a small home. I leaned forward to take a good look. “Is this the place?”

“They’re already inside.”

“The asshole had the Don of a century old secret society by the balls for two years and this is where he lives?” I chuckled. “He had no idea what he had. Anyway, wait here. This won’t take long.” I patted his arm and climbed out of the car.

When I reached the front entrance, I knocked gently. A few seconds later, Santino swung the door open. “You look like shit.”

“I know.” I stepped inside the home, directly into Nathan’s living room.

He stared at me with wide eyes and fought against the bindings on his legs and wrists. He rambled on, but I couldn’t make out the words through the gag. I considered shooting him right away, but I wanted him to tell me the truth first.

“Take it off.” I gestured toward him.

“He was screaming like a little bitch.” Enzo reached over and yanked the gag out of his mouth. “Use your inside voice. Yeah?”

“What the fuck is going on? Who are you people?” He went on and on, until Enzo punched him.

“I don’t have all night.” I cradled my side to keep from wincing. “I know you killed Ava.” When he opened his mouth, I put up my hand. “I’m not asking if you killed her. I want you to tell me how.”


Enzo punched him again. “Answer the damn question. How did you do it?”

“We already know why.” I braced my hands on my hips. “You caught Jimmy Gallo in a very compromising position. An easy payday from your perspective. But Ava ruined your plans. Tell me how you did it and I might let you live.”

“What?” His eyes got bigger. When Enzo stepped toward him again, Nathan cowered. “Okay, I’ll tell you. Please. It was an accident. She wasn’t even supposed to be there.” He panted a breath, attempting to blink away tears. “She stole my memory card.”

“So you killed her to get it back?”

“No, I didn’t even know why she took it. She came here to my house. She wanted me to go to the police with her. After she showed me the recording, I realized we, um, we had something big on our hands.”

“You thought you could blackmail Jimmy Gallo?” I laughed.

“The club encourages us to listen in on the gossip. They pay well for secrets and videos they can use against the members.” His gaze darted between me and Enzo. “You know because of the stuff that goes on.”

“It would be bad for business if suddenly the members decided to grow a conscience.” Rex glared at him. “So this is your side gig? You provide the club with compromising videos?”

“They pay well for them.” He swallowed. “If you want the money, I can give it back. I mean, I told Ava we could split it, but she refused. She said a man’s life was at stake. I tried to get the memory card back and we struggled. She fell and hit her head.” He sobbed. “I swear that was it. I didn’t even know people could die like that. There was so much blood. I didn’t know what to do.”

“You obviously figured it out.” Santino reached for a brown bag sitting on the coffee table. “You staged a whole fake crime scene.”

“That wasn’t me.” He stared at the bag in Santino’s hand. “I took her pulse. She was dead. But when I saw the Stag stamp on her wrist, it gave me an idea. I called Mr. Gallo and told him about the recording.”

“He staged the accident.” I thought knowing the truth would bring me automatic closure. I was wrong. I felt worse. Maybe Uncle Jimmy didn’t pull the trigger, but he was the reason Ava was dead. He was the reason she didn’t get justice. “So he helped you stay out of jail in exchange for your silence. And then what? Made you a member?”

“He bought me clothes. And said I never had to work a day in my life again. He said I could be his guest at the Stag Mansion any time I wanted. I thought I’d hit it big.” He sniffled and wiped his nose on his sweatshirt. “Not a day went by that I didn’t think of Ava. What was I supposed to do?”
