Page 92 of Wicked Knight

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“You could’ve done the right thing and helped Ava. Or you could’ve just let her go. You could’ve done a million other things that didn’t end in murder. You chose this.” I nodded at Santino.

“I’m so sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am.”

“Yeah, I can see how the remorse was eating you alive. Going to the club every week, using women for your own diversion.” I hated that Ava had died because of this asshole’s greed and lack of moral compass. “Jimmy Gallo is the Don of a century old secret society. He has access to billions. The recording wasn’t going to send him to jail for a few years. The recording was his death warrant. He would’ve given you his entire fortune to keep you quiet.”


“But you settled for clothes and sex parties. You lack imagination.” Santino pulled out a gun from the brown bag and gave it to me. “It helps to make it official.” He tapped his temple. “In your head.”


“Dad always says destiny will find you no matter what. Running makes it worse.” Enzo patted me on the back. “You were always going to end up here. But at least you have this.” He pointed at Nathan. “He deserves it.”

I came here to kill Ava’s killer because I knew the police would never lift a finger. Not while Nathan was under the protection of Uncle Jimmy. I hated that all these years, Nathan went on with his life, partying like he was entitled to the life my uncle afforded him.

Make it official…

Nathan, whatever your last name is, on the murder of Ava Conti, the Society finds you guilty. The punishment for killing an innocent girl is death.

And it will be carried out immediately.

“Wait. You can’t do this to me. You’re not the law.”

“I’ll see you in hell.” I pulled the trigger.

The bullet went straight through his head and splattered brain matter all over the wall behind him. I glared at the bloody scene for a whole minute, before Enzo grabbed a sheet off the coffee table, threw it over Nathan’s body, then got on the phone with the cleanup crew.

“You’ll have to lay low for a while.” Rex met my gaze. “Don Gallo will want revenge. You’re the only one he can take it out on.”

“I know. I leave tonight.” I gestured to Nathan. “Thank you for this. I couldn’t have done it without all of you.”

“Well, now you owe us a favor.” Rex raised an eyebrow. “I might call on you one day.”

“Call any time.” I picked up a bunch of black business cards with the Stag stamp on them. “Where did you get these?”

“Donata made copies. I thought it’d be a nice touch to leave them here.” Enzo shrugged.

“Dad is getting someone to run the story.” Rex gestured toward the door. “You should leave. I’m sure Don Gallo is now scouring the city looking for you. We’ll make sure the story connects this murder and Ava’s to the club, along with allegations of sex trafficking. Even if the police don’t do shit, the members will want to distance themselves from the scandal. We’ll shut down the place.”

“I appreciate that.” On the way out, I pulled Enzo aside. “Could you make sure Donata gets this?” I reached into the inside pocket of my tuxedo jacket and retrieved the letter I wrote to her on my way here. “She was asleep when I left the hospital.”

“I’ll make sure she gets it.” He stuffed the envelope in his pocket.

By the time I left the house, the sun had already peeked over the horizon. This was not how I had envisioned this day ending. But at least, now, Ava had justice. And I could finally let her go.

“The airport, sir?”

“Yes, Alfred. I’m ready.”

* * *


This is not a farewell letter. Or I suppose it is, since I am leaving the country. But know that I’m not leaving you. Uncle Jimmy will want revenge for what we did. You can’t be anywhere near me when he comes for me. Signoria Vittoria will keep you safe.

You were right. I should’ve fought from the beginning. I’m sorry it took me this long to see how much I love you. Wait for me.

Forever yours,
