Page 93 of Wicked Knight

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I Hope You Survive

Signoria Vittoria

Six years later, New York City

“Ma’am.” Julia’s small voice filtered through the door as she knocked softly.

I slanted a glance at the clock over the fireplace mantel. It was almost five in the morning. For some reason, I hadn’t been able to sleep all night. Every time I dozed off, a sharp pain in my chest woke me up.

“Come in, Julia.” I sat up in bed. “I’m awake.”

“I’m sorry to disturb you, but it sounded important.” She brought in a phone. “Don Valentino’s right-hand man has been trying to reach you.”

“What nonsense.” I grabbed my phone off the bedside table. “So he has. What is it?”

“It’s urgent. That’s all he said.” She handed me the device.

As soon as Lorenzo, Giovanni’s right-hand man heard my voice, he started talking. “Don Valentino was ambushed yesterday. He’s called for an extraordinary board meeting later this morning. But he wants to see you first.”

“Is he home?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I’ll be there shortly.” I climbed out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, where Julia already had clothes waiting for me. “Get the driver. And my niece. Whatever happens with Giovanni today, she needs to be there.”

“Of course.” Julia nodded and disappeared.

I managed to get ready and head out the door without giving into the pain gripping my chest. The more I thought of Giovanni being hurt, the worse it got. No, that old man couldn’t do this to me. He couldn’t die on me.

These days Giovanni lived at the Crucible. When he took over as king for Michael Alfera, over eight years ago, he moved into the penthouse. I instructed my driver to enter the building through the secret entrance. Our enemies were always watching. Showing up at his home at this hour might give them the idea that something was wrong inside the walls of the Society.

As soon as the SUV pulled up to the small lobby, I climbed out and headed toward the door. The whole way, my heart threatened to punch a hole through my chest. Giovanni and I had been through thick and thin over the years. Everything we had worked so hard to achieve was finally ours. He couldn’t leave me.

“Don Salvatore.” One of Giovanni’s men came out to greet me at the elevator bay. “This way.”

“I’m assuming the doctors are already here.”

“Yes, ma’am. Don Valentino will explain.” He opened the door and gestured toward the grand staircase.

“I know the way.” I darted upstairs.

When I reached the landing, the men standing guard stepped aside to let me through. I had managed to keep my composure the entire trek here. But seeing the great Don Valentino in bed, looking older than he really was, my world began to crumble.

“What happened?” I asked the doctor. “Why is he not at the hospital?

“He wanted to come home.” The doctor’s gaze shifted between my face and Giovanni’s. As injured as Giovanni was, he was still our king. He out ranked me. “He was in surgery for hours. We did what we could.”

“Surgery? Why?”

“He was stabbed multiple times. Two—”

“That’s enough, Doctor.” Giovanni’s voice boomed in the bedroom. “Leave us.”

“How is the pain?” The doctor checked the IV. “I can increase the morphine. Just let me know.”
