Page 94 of Wicked Knight

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“I’m comfortable. No more drugs. I need to speak with Don Salvatore.” Giovanni motioned toward the door. “Tell the others. No more visitors.”

“As you wish, sir.” The doctor vowed, holding the gesture for much longer than usual. “I’ll stay until it’s time.”

The minute the door clicked shut, I rushed to the bed. And I didn’t even care that I was sobbing like some teenager. “You’re dying? What the hell happened?”

“You heard the doctor. I got stabbed.” He smiled at me as he reached to wipe my cheek. “Don’t fuss, woman. Didn’t we decide a long time ago that no man was worth your tears.”

“You’re no man. You’re a lion.” I attempted a chuckle, though it came out more like a whimper. “Don’t you dare die on me. I will never forgive you if you do.”

“Vittoria.” He offered me his arm. “Must we spend our last moments fighting.”

In that moment, the promise we made so many years ago to never get this close again went out the window. I curled up next to him, laying my head on his shoulder. “Whoever did this to you will pay with his life and the life of everyone he loves. I swear it.”

“I know, my dearest Vittoria. You’re the only one who can do what needs to be done next.” He inhaled, then kissed the top of my head. “If I’d known I had to be dying to get you back in my arms, I probably would’ve taken a bullet sooner.”

“Don’t joke about this. None of this is funny. You have to try harder. Stay with me. Stay a little longer.” I pressed my lips to his temple.

“I did. Try.”

“No, you didn’t. You’re here. You should be at the hospital surrounded by a legion of doctors.”

When I tried to sit up to look at him, he tightened his hold on me. “Enough. That’s not important anymore. What’s done is done. I need you to find the traitor who did this to me and make sure he never finds a way to do the same to my son, Rex.”

“You have my word.” I placed a hand gently on his chest. Bit by bit, blood seeped through the bandages covering his abdomen. “Don’t talk anymore. You need to rest.”

“The time for rest will come soon. Please hear me out.” He paused for a minute.

“A name is all I need.”

“Jimmy Gallo.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I sat up to glare at him. “I told you to be careful. I told you he would not stop trying to get to you.”

“I know. He got lucky tonight.” He swallowed, then winced. “He thinks I didn’t see him. The coward stood in the corner and watched them cut me to shreds.”

“I will make sure the entire Gallo family is wiped out. I promise you, it will be done. He won’t see me coming.” I cupped his cheek. “Let me stay with you. At least until the sun comes up.”

“I was hoping you’d ask.” His eyes fluttered closed. “I’m glad you’re here.”

Being in Giovanni’s arms again was like coming home. This was our forbidden dream, the one we could never speak of. All the power and money at our feet, and we could never have this. Suddenly, the sleepless night washed over me, and I was able to find some peace.

“I never loved anyone the way I loved you.” His heartbeat leveled off, as if it too was falling asleep.

“I know.” I braced my arm on the pillow and kissed his lips. “I never loved anyone but you.”

The world around us was falling apart. But I’d given too much already. I deserved to be here with him until the end. I settled back into his embrace and fell into a deep slumber.

Hours later, when the sunlight peeked through the tall windows, I woke up and found him dead. The king was dead. I wanted to scream. I wanted to punch a hole through the wall. I wanted to beg him to come back. But what would that help? There was only one thing Giovanni had asked for. And I had every intention of making good on my promise. Maybe not tonight, or tomorrow night.

But soon…revenge was a dish best served cold.

* * *

Six months later,Brooklyn, NY

I climbed the steps up to the door of Michael Alfera’s brownstone in Brooklyn—the home where he retired with his lovely wife after he abdicated the throne. The old man thought he would have his happily ever after. What he didn’t understand was that people like us, we didn’t deserve a happy ending. Love made us weak. And here was the proof. His wife died of cancer only six years after he left it all behind to be with her.

I knocked on his door and waited for the slow footsteps on the other side to make their way down the hall.

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