Page 67 of Riley's Storm

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“Ry, hurricane, I know you guys want to help, but I don’t know how unhinged your father is at this point. I couldn’t live with myself if either of you got hurt. I don’t want him hurting you or Storm. We will get Riley. We will get our omega and bring her back to you both. I promise.”

Storm didn’t look happy, but she nodded and took Ryan’s hand. Ryan was still fuming, but he gripped her hand and slumped back in his seat. I knew he was upset, and I felt terrible because of it, but I really couldn’t try to keep him safe and look for Riley at the same time. I needed my attention on her right now. Hopefully, he understood.

“Come on, Dec. Let’s go get our girl.”

“And kill an alpha,” he growled, throwing open his door and stepping out.

I snorted but internally, I agreed. This scumbag needed to go down.

We marched toward the front door and Declan raised his foot and kicked it right by the knob. It splintered under the force and, using our shoulders, we got it knocked down. Together, we spilled into the house, our eyes darting everywhere.

“What the fuck? Get out of my house!” Alpha Brown came thundering down the stairs to our right, holding a bat above his head.

He swung it, trying to connect with Declan’s head. Declan grabbed the bat and pushed back on the deranged alpha. He might have been big, but he wasn’t strong. Declan and I had worked years in the field for our business and still did on occasion. We had the muscles to back it up.

Declan shoved Alpha Brown back. He stumbled and tripped over his own feet, going down in a heap. Declan wrenched the bat from his grip and tossed it across the room. His fist cocked back and slammed into his nose. Blood sprayed everywhere.

“Go, Vic. Find her. I got this asshole.”

He continued to rain punches down on the pathetic excuse for an alpha, his bellows of rage turning into cries of pain. I ran from the room, yelling out for Riley. There was no sign of her. I charged toward the stairs, intending to go up and look for her, when I saw a door that was padlocked. I didn’t see the keys anywhere, so I took a running start and slammed into it.

The hinges cracked and the wood split a little, but not enough to let me in. I tried again. This time, it burst open, and I promptly fell down a flight of stairs. Pieces of the door slid across the floor. I tumbled into a heap, groaning. I rubbed my head and shook it to clear the cobwebs.

“Victor?” Riley’s soft, terrified voice broke through the fog.

I leapt to my feet and ran to thecagethe fucker had her in. “Riley, petal, I’m going to get you out of here. Stay back from the bars.”

Tears tracked down her cheeks, and the room was rank with the stench of her fear. She nodded at me, though, and backed into the far corner. She curled into herself and hid her face with her knees. I studied the bars; they were too close together for her or me to squeeze through. I saw the lock. It looked like a typical jail-cell latch.

Where the fuck did he have the keys? They had to be around here. Snarling in anger, I told her I’d be right back and raced back up the stairs, leaping over the broken bits of the door. At the top of the stairs, I marched over to Alpha Brown, yanking him up by his collar. Declan was still straddling him, his knuckles split from how hard he had been laying into him.

“Where’s the key?” I barked into his face.

Alpha Brown’s eyes lolled in his skull. His nose was smashed, and he’d lost several teeth. I hoped he choked on them. His cheekbone was broken, and his jaw was possibly dislocated. Blood covered his face, and he was holding onto consciousness by a thread.

“Fuck. You,” he spit out, blood splattering onto my hand from his mouth.

Declan yanked him from my hold and smashed the back of his head down on the floor beneath him. “That’s for being a smartass, fucker. Now, tell him where the keys are!”

“Never. I’ll never tell you anything.”

I roared angrily and kicked out, slamming my foot into his ribs. I heard a resounding crack and knew I had broken at least one of them. He screamed in pain, and I stepped down onto his ribcage. I bent in half and got right in his face.

“I have no qualms about killing you. If it were up to me, you’d already be dead, asshole. Not only did you dare to put your hands on my omega, you also treatedmybeta like shit his whole life. Scum like you don't deserve to breathe the same air as those two precious humans. Now. Where are the keys?” I stepped down a little harder, hearing another small crack, and he whimpered.

“On the counter,” he bit out, eyes spitting fire.

“Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

I motioned to Declan, and he grinned ferally before smashing his fist into Alpha Brown’s face, knocking him unconscious. He scrambled off the floor, and we rushed to the counter. There we found an immense ring of keys. I grabbed it and we sped down the stairs. Declan cried out, seeing Riley shaking and shivering in fear in the corner. A soothing purr came from him as he tried to comfort her the only way we could.

The keys jangled and clanged together as I tried one after the other fruitlessly. None of them fit this cell, but they all looked identical. Finally, I heard the best sound, a clunk as the lock tumbled open. I wrenched the door open and raced inside, bundling Riley into my arms. Declan was seconds behind me, gathering her up as well. We held her and purred as she cried tears of fear, horror, and relief onto our shoulders. Declan and I nuzzled into her neck, covering her in our scents. No one was touching our omegas ever again. We would make sure of it.



Victor carried me out of the basement. I wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled in. I didn’t want to let him go. Declan stayed right in stride with Victor. If he didn’t, I couldn’t help but whine until I could see him again. They quickly figured it out and made sure that they were within my vision range.
