Page 68 of Riley's Storm

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Before we made it to the Hummer, Ryan and Storm came running toward us. Victor put me down, maintaining the connection with me by holding onto my shoulder. My omega and beta rallied around me, wrapping me in their arms. Tears poured from Storm’s eyes, and even Ryan looked close to tears. Victor tried once again to step away from me and my hand found his arm and my nails dug into his skin. He couldn’t leave me.

“Petal, we need to get out of here. Can you let me go so I can drive?”

I vehemently shook my head. I needed him. Why didn’t he understand? I couldn’t let him go.

He stroked my hair and whispered crooning words into my ear. I needed all of them. They all needed to be with me. I couldn’t let any of them out of my sight or touch. I wouldn’t ever let go, not again. They were mine.

“Call Dell,” Victor said.

I heard Declan agree, and then he tried to step away to make a call. I whined and tried to grab him back into our upright cuddle pile. He purred low and stepped back so I could still have contact with him. My mind was racing, my ears ringing. I knew I was on the verge of a panic attack, but I couldn’t calm myself down.

I didn’t know what they said, but after he hung up the call, he helped move us all toward the trunk of the Hummer. He lifted the gate and then pressed a button, releasing the back seats. They folded down, making a larger space. Ryan climbed in first, holding his hand out for me. My head whipped between all of them. I couldn’t get in if they weren’t coming.

“Shh, petal, it is alright. We are all getting in with you. Climb inside with Ryan and we will join you. It will just be a second.”

I nodded shakily and climbed inside. Storm was a hair's breadth behind me. As soon as she was inside, she wrapped herself around me like a koala and held tight. I settled into Ryan’s lap and looked at my alphas. They got in together and laid themselves around us all, their arms wrapping across my middle to hold everyone close.

The scents of my pack filled my nostrils and finally, my heart stopped pounding so hard. I could hear talking around me but had no idea what was being said. I couldn’t focus on it. Storm clung to me, crying and repeating something over and over, but all I could see was her lips moving. No sounds pierced my muddled mind.

A deep purr filled the interior of the back seat. It soothed my soul and helped to settle my nerves. I heard a door slam outside and I flinched, curling into my pack farther. They rubbed my arms and pet my hair. Storm nuzzled into my neck, rubbing her nose along my gland.

“RILEY?!” I heard in a scream.

I jerked but immediately realized I knew that voice. It was my brother.

“Dell?” I whispered.

Suddenly, his face was there, terrified but so familiar. I reached for him and he didn’t hesitate to climb inside. He saw the way everyone wrapped around me, and he didn’t try to disturb anyone’s positions thankfully. He reached across and stroked my hair.

“I’m so sorry, Riles. I’m so, so sorry,” he repeated over and over.

“It’s not your fault, Dell. Don’t be sorry.”

“I wasn’t there the first time, and now he’s gotten to you again. I didn’t protect you. You’re my sister. It was my job to watch out for you and I failed.”

It was that statement that broke me out of my muddled fog. “No, none of you failed. None of this is anyone’s fault except Alpha Bro— Bro—”

I couldn’t get his name out. I shuddered, and Declan lifted the volume of his purr, trying to calm me back down.

“It’s his fault,” I managed. “No one else’s. You all found me in time. Nothing happened. It could have been so much worse. You saved me, Victor, Declan, Ryan, and Storm. Dell, there is no blame for you either, understand?”

His eyes still looked sad, but he did nod. “I’ll drive you all to the hotel. I think you guys need that more than Mom, Dad, and I do right now.”

“Thank you, Dell,” Victor said.

Dell jumped back down, shut the hatch, and moved to the driver's seat. Within seconds, I felt the car start to roll as he drove off toward the hotel.

“What is going to happen to him?” I whispered softly.

“Hopefully, he’s dead,” Ryan said.

“He had better be,” Dell growled from the front seat.

“We left him broken and bleeding on his floor,” Declan replied.

“Where?” Dell asked.

“Right inside the front door. Police will have no trouble finding him.”
