Page 69 of Riley's Storm

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“Uh, he wasn’t there when I got there.”

“What? No, of course he was. There is no way he could walk away after what we did to him,” Declan decreed.

“I went inside first when I got there. I didn’t know where you all were. He definitely was not by the door. The back door was open . . .”

“Fuck,” Victor snarled. “We’ll get him. Don’t worry. He isn’t getting away with this. I promise you.”

“I believe you, alpha,” I murmured. I couldn’t worry about that right now. There was too much else racing around my mind.



By the time Dell pulled up to the hotel, Riley’s racing heartbeat had slowed. She could relax her hold on everyone, although she still stayed snuggled in the middle of our unorthodox cuddle pile. Dell parked the car and ran around to the back to open the hatch for us all to clamber out.

Riley looked around at all of us, and then she burst into the sweetest sound. It was one I had been terrified I would never hear again: her laugh.

“Where are your clothes, Ryan?!” she gasped out between hysterics.

Victor, Declan, and Ryan shared a look, and then their lips twitched too. Apparently, she had not noticed until now that Ryan wasn’t wearing anything beyond his boxers. Dell even cracked a smile at that, too.

“We should probably get you all inside. I don’t think this hotel will take kindly to a half-naked person loitering outside.”

Victor snorted. “Yeah, they most likely won’t. Come on, everyone, let’s head upstairs.”

He led the way, breezing through the doors, head held high. Ryan followed behind him, decidedly less confident now that he remembered his state of undress. Declan snickered and caught up to him, clamping a hand on the back of his neck. He leaned down and whispered something in his ear that had Ryan blushing, but he stood a bit taller.

Dell, Riley, and I brought up the rear. Riley might be better and able to let everyone walk ahead of her, but I wasn’t. I clung to her arm, running my fingers down until I could intertwine them with her hand. She squeezed mine and rubbed her thumb over my hand as we followed the boys to the bank of elevators.

Declan pressed the button for up and seconds later, the one to the left opened. We all piled in, and Dell used the keycard on the button panel and the one labeled PH lit up. He pressed it and the door slid shut and with a whoosh, we shuttled up to the top floor. The elevator had barely opened when Riley’s mom and dad were flying into the car, gathering her up with a million hugs and kisses.

“Riley, sweetheart, are you alright?” her mother asked, tears streaking down her cheeks.

“I’m okay, Mom. They got me before he tried anything,” she reassured her mom.

“Where is he?” Mr. Druman demanded of our alphas.

“We, uh, beat him unconscious. Or so we thought. But Dell says he ran away while we were caring for Riley. I am placing a call to the police as soon as we settle her enough to talk to them. He will not get away with this. I promise you,” Victor said.

“Good. I want him dead. What? He tried to hurt our baby girl twice. Who knows how many other people he hurt? He doesn’t deserve to live.”

“He doesn’t,” Ryan said vehemently. “I am sorry that I allowed that man anywhere near Riley.”

“Allowed him?” Riley’s dad seemed completely confused.

“He is my father. A fact that I hate, but true nonetheless.”

“That does not make what happened today your fault. Your father is a grown man who makes his own decisions. You didn’t tell him to go grab Riley, did you?” Mr. Druman asked with a raised brow.

“No, of course not.”

“Then there you go. Not your fault.”

“Told you,” Victor said with a snort.

Ryan gave a sheepish grin. “Well, I guess I can’t argue with you all.”

“You were a victim of his, the same as Riley. The fact that you got away does not make what he did today your fault, or anyone else’s. The only person to blame is him. He is an asshole. He’s the one responsible for his choices. Not you. Not me. No one but him. Got it?” I reiterated.
