Page 62 of Idol Moves

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Tae Hyun’s ears warmed as he grinned. “Thank you. I have to admit I was nervous at first. But I think it went well.”

Jason gently squeezed Tae Hyun’s shoulders. “Are you kidding? I’ve only ever seen you pull out that level of charm in videos. Seeing you do it in person was like a work of art. For real.”

Tae Hyun’s grin spread into a bright smile. “Wow. Thank you, hyung.” He tossed the used facial wipe into the trash bin beside him and grabbed another from the dispenser. “What are we doing after? Because I thought–”

Jason spun Tae Hyun’s chair around and plopped down on his lap. “I’m serious.” He draped his arms on Tae Hyun’s shoulders and leaned in close enough that their noses almost touched and the humid spray of Jason’s breath warmed his face. “You totally charmed me.”

“Hyung, we–”

Jason cut Tae Hyun off with a warm, sensual kiss. Tae Hyun was caught breathless as he surrendered to Jason’s surprise seduction. Then Jason moved his kisses to Tae Hyun’s cheek, jaw, and, finally, his neck, just below his ear. “Listening to you mesmerized me,” he purred. “All I could think about was getting you alone again.” He sat back, capturing Tae Hyun’s attention with a smoldering gaze as he slowly unbuttoned Tae Hyun’s shirt.

Tae Hyun softly moaned. His heart pounded under Jason’s gentle touch. He knew they should stop what they were doing. It was the wrong place and time for anything like that. But he was powerless to turn away from Jason’s stare. And he didn’t want to stop. “Hyung, the door.”

Jason quietly chuckled. “I locked it behind me.” He slid his hand down between his legs and grabbed Tae Hyun’s insistent erection through his pants. “But I can get up and check it if you–”

Tae Hyun gripped Jason’s shirt and pulled their bodies together, silencing him with another kiss. He prodded the space between Jason’s lips with his tongue before probing inside his mouth. And he gasped when Jason gave his cock a gentle squeeze, pressing himself forward into Jason’s grasp. He almost didn’t hear the sound of a key in the door lock.


Too late, the door flung open to reveal a shocked Yoo Mi. “What the–oh.” She sighed. “Are you two fucking serious with this in here?”

Jason let go of Tae Hyun and pulled his hand from between them. “The door was locked for a reason, Yoo Mi.”

Yoo Mi dangled the key chain she held. “I know. That’s why I have a key.”

A few weeks ago, Tae Hyun would’ve assumed Yoo Mi was messing with them. But that was before she’d tossed him out of her condo after her disastrous wedding. “What are you even doing here?”

“I’m supposed to film an interview today.” Yoo Mi shook her keys. “And I’m here to use my dressing room.”

Tae Hyun snorted. “I think you mean my dressing room. We’re obviously using it.”

“Well, finish using it. I need it.”

Tae Hyun chuckled. “Oh? So, you’re gonna throw me out of here, too?”

Yoo Mi’s jaw clenched hard enough to bite through steel. “Listen. I only–”

“Oh my god,” Jason exclaimed in English. He got up from Tae Hyun’s lap, grabbed Yoo Mi’s upper arms, and put her in the chair beside Tae Hyun’s. “You two need to sort this shit out,” he added in Korean. “I’ll go wait in the hall. Don’t bother coming out until you’ve stopped doing whatever the hell this is.” He huffed for added drama before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

Despite avoiding her gaze, Tae Hyun could still feel Yoo Mi’s icy stare. He took a ragged breath to calm himself and returned to wiping his face. He had nothing to say to her until she apologized. And, even then, he didn’t imagine he’d–

“You’re so fucking frustrating.”

Tae Hyun huffed, finally turning to meet Yoo Mi’s glare. “Me? You’re the one who threw me out. Remember? Twice.”

Yoo Mi scoffed. “You make it sound like you didn’t have anywhere to go, and I put you out on the street.”

“That’s irrelevant.” Tae Hyun frowned, tossed the barely used facial wipe into the bin, and grabbed another. “The only reason I was even in your fucking condo in the first place was because of your wedding. Which you also threw me out of.”

“I know!” Yoo Mi shook her head. “And I felt awful about that. I still feel awful about it.” She huffed. “But that was me being spoiled, thoughtless, and maybe a little psychotic. The other thing is different.”

“Different?” Tae Hyun snorted. “Different how, exactly?”

“You know how.” Yoo Mi pursed her lips so tightly the corners turned white. “Seong Woo’s parents were at the wedding. His mother got tear-gassed. His father was out for blood. Your blood.”

Tae Hyun pushed his eyebrows together until his forehead wrinkled. “So you’re saying what happened was my fault. That kicking me out was for my own good?”

“Tae Hyun.” Yoo Mi let out an exasperated sigh. “Are you telling me that would’ve happened if you hadn’t come out?” She shook her head. “Yes, my fans can be problematic. All fans can be. But tear-gassing my wedding? That was something on an entirely different level.”

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