Page 63 of Idol Moves

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Tae Hyun knew she was right. He’d always known. Of course, it had been because of him. But he wasn’t ready to give her the satisfaction of admitting it yet. “If you think it was my fault, why even have me in your fancy, over the top wedding in the first place? Why not just get married at a wedding castle like everyone else and be done with it.”

Yoo Mi wistfully chuckled. “Because I’m a vain, attention-seeking fame whore who thrives on being in the public eye.” Then her expression softened. “And because you’re my best friend.”

Tae Hyun finally turned toward her and sized her up. He knew she was being sincere. He just couldn’t believe it. “Am I?”

“Of course you are!” Yoo Mi snorted. “I’ve always stood by you, even after you came out. And I kept your secret for all those years.”

Tae Hyun groaned. “I know. You never fucking let me forget it.” He narrowed his eyes into a not-quite glare. “But let’s not forget that I kept your secret, too.”

Yoo Mi frowned. “My secret?”

Tae Hyun chuckled. “What? You don’t think people would want to know that my company pimped me out to yours so you could date someone squeaky clean and save your reputation?” Yoo Mi’s suddenly stricken expression meant he’d made his point. “Yeah. So maybe stop hanging that one over my head every time we fight.”

Yoo Mi shook her head and blew out a long, slow breath. “Shit, Tae Hyun. I’m sorry.”

Tae Hyun nodded. “I know.” He sighed. “And I’m sorry, too. I know I’m not the easiest person to be friends with.”

Yoo Mi snorted. “Are you kidding? You’re a fucking dream friend compared to most of the cackling hens at my agency.”

“Yoo Mi.”

Yoo Mi waved off his critique. “I know, I know. That’s not very feminist of me.” Then she sighed. “And don’t get me started on my damn husband.”

Tae Hyun’s brows swiftly hit his hairline. “What? It hasn’t even been a week, and you’re already complaining?”

“Tell me about it.” Yoo Mi huffed. “I’m supposed to be happy, right? I mean, never mind that I’m missing my honeymoon. Or that half my friends and family aren’t speaking to me right now, and the other half won’t stop talking to the press. But Seong Woo and I have hardly spoken since the wedding. He’s been so busy battling with his family about all the fallout from what happened. And his father’s already threatened to cut him off.”

“What?” Tae Hyun couldn’t ignore the brief pang of feelings stabbing at his chest. “That’s–” What was it? Terrible, for sure. He knew well the feeling of being betrayed by his parents and frowned. “I’m sorry.”

“Darling.” Yoo Mi wagged a finger at him. “This is supposed to be my pity party. You’ll have to have yours some other time.”

Tae Hyun shook his head. He didn’t feel sorry for himself. It was something else. What was happening was terrible. But it was absurd, too. So many people–people who didn’t know him or whose lives were hardly affected by him–had taken a stand against him for one simple reason. He’d come out as gay, and his job, friends, and family had all been taken from him. That made him feel a lot of things, but none of those were pity.

“This isn’t a pity party.” Tae Hyun huffed. “I’m fucking sick of it, Yoo Mi.” He shook his head. “I know I’ve got no right to be. I know there are so many people out there who’ve been dealing with this a lot longer than I have. But I’m tired of all this.” He huffed again. “I’m tired of everyone thinking they know what’s best for me. Or thinking they fucking own me and that somehow my being gay wasn’t part of their carefully laid plans.” He leaned forward, not caring that he probably looked a little unhinged. “Well, nobody fucking owns me, Yoo Mi.”

Yoo Mi stared at Tae Hyun with wide-eyed shock for long enough that he thought he might’ve broken her. Then a crimson-lipped smile slowly spread across her face. “I suppose that goes for your best friend, too?”

Tae Hyun nodded. “You’re damn right it does. But you’re more than my best friend.” Then he smiled back. “You’re my only friend.”

“Only friend?” Yoo Mi scoffed. “That’s not even remotely true.” She pouted. “But I haven’t been a very good friend lately, have I?”

“Maybe not.” Tae Hyun shrugged. “Who can say at this point?” Then he grinned. “But I’ll probably skip out on your next wedding.”

Yoo Mi scoffed and playfully slapped his arm. “Don’t even joke about that. Seong Woo is stuck with me forever.”

“Even if he gets cut off by his father?”

Yoo Mi nodded. “Of course. I didn’t marry him for his money, darling.” She grinned. “I’ve already got plenty of that.”

Tae Hyun chuckled. “Not to mention more self-confidence than you know what to do with. Still, he’s lucky to have you. Which I’m sure he’ll realize again soon enough and start paying attention to you again. Otherwise, we’ll have to–”

“Holy shit!” Jason burst into the dressing room on the heels of his exclamation. “That’s great news! I’ll tell him right away.” Jason grinned as he stuffed his phone in his pocket. “Guess what. We may have found a Korean venue for the tour.”

Tae Hyun frowned. “It’s not in the middle of nowhere, is it?”

Jason shook his head. “No. Incheon. There’s a new concert venue opening soon near Songdo Park, I think.”

“Oh, I heard about that place,” Yoo Mi said. “I think they built it as part of their international tourism initiative.”
