Page 8 of Girl, Deceived

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Ripley knew it all too well. Corruption worked both ways.

Martin took a moment, his expression softening. ‘You know, when I was forced into retirement, I thought I'd lost my purpose. I went from being on the frontlines, making a difference, to just... watching from the sidelines. It's why I threw myself into other things.’

‘Frontlines to sidelines,’ Ripley repeated. ‘Honestly, I can’t wait for that. Bring it on.’

‘How long left?’ Martin asked.

Conversation halted as a waiter removed their plates and placed down dessert. Mia's eyes drifted to the delectable treat in front of her, a rich molten lava cake accompanied by a scoop of vanilla ice cream. She took a deep breath, savoring the scent before looking back at Martin.

‘Four months, then I’m out.’

‘As mysteriously as you arrived.’

Ripley laughed, despite the mouthful of cake. ‘Oh yes. And I want to go out without any loose ends.’

‘What loose ends do you have?’

‘This Logan Nash business is the main thing. I refuse to leave Ella stranded. Oh, and mountains of paperwork. Then I’m good to go.’

Martin nodded, picking up his spoon and digging into his own dessert. ‘It's funny how our priorities change over time. Back in the day, I couldn't imagine doing anything else. But now...’ He trailed off, looking contemplative.

‘Now you'd kill for a day without any drama or adrenaline,’ Mia finished for him.

‘Exactly,’ Martin replied, looking amused. ‘Though I must admit, I do miss the camaraderie, the teamwork. That sense of purpose and belonging.’

Mia nodded, understanding completely. ‘There's something about being in the thick of it all, knowing that you're making a difference, that's irreplaceable.’

‘Do you think you’ll miss it?’ Martin asked.

‘No. I’ve paid my adrenaline toll. Now I just want something simple, maybe with someone who remembers to put the trash out on Wednesdays.’

‘Trash day is Thursdays.’

‘See?’ Ripley said. ‘I don’t even know what day the garbage men come.’

Martin chuckled, the deep sound echoing in the restaurant's ambiance. ‘Well, if you ever need a domestic god in your life, I might be your guy.’

Mia raised an eyebrow, an amused smirk playing on her lips. ‘Is that an offer?’

He feigned an innocent look, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief. ‘Maybe. I can cook too.’

Mia laughed, her worries momentarily forgotten. ‘Deal. Just keep carbs low. I've got my post-retirement figure to think about.’

Martin prodded his gut, two rungs below athletic but still not dad bod levels despite his age. ‘Oh, that all goes. Trust me.’

Mia stretched, feeling a contentment she hadn't felt in a long time. ‘You know, it’s not often I can talk shop without someone turning pale or asking me if I’ve seen too many crime dramas.’

Martin settled back into his chair. ‘Guess I’ve seen enough to desensitize me. Plus, it’s always good to have a reminder that there’s someone else out there, someone who knows the cost of the job.’

Mia nodded. ‘It’s a life, you know? One that few can truly understand. The highs and lows, the adrenaline rushes and the heartbreaks. It takes a toll.’

Martin reached across the table, taking Mia’s hand in his. ‘But it’s worth it. For every moment of pain, there’s a moment of triumph. Of knowing you made a difference.’

Mia looked deep into his eyes, seeing the weight of his experiences mirrored there. ‘Thank you, Martin. For understanding.’

He smiled, radiating a genuine warmth. Mia couldn’t help but feel that this was the start of something new. With the impending closure of her career, she felt grateful for a new connection in her life. And who knew? Maybe Martin really was her ticket to a calmer, more domestic future.

She just had to rid herself of Logan Nash’s overbearing shadow and provide Ella a smooth transition into solo field work.
