Page 9 of Girl, Deceived

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Just as Ripley was drifting off into a world of imagined possibilities, a shrill ringtone pierced the air, jolting her out of their reverie. Mia's hand instinctively shot to her bag, fishing out her buzzing phone. The nameWilliam Edisflashed on the screen.

She sighed, her heart sinking. If Edis was calling at this hour, it meant only one thing: a new case. She shot Martin an apologetic look, ‘I'm sorry, I have to take this.’

Martin nodded understandingly, ‘Of course, duty calls.’

Mia answered, trying to keep her voice even, ‘Edis, what's up?’

‘HQ. How fast can you be here?’

She glanced at Martin and the half-eaten dessert on her plate. ‘I'm at dinner right now. What's going on?’

Edis's voice was clipped, a sure sign of urgency. ‘Double homicide just came in, and it’s a strange one. Your expertise is needed.’

Mia hesitated for a brief moment. Every fiber of her being screamed at her to stay, to savor this rare moment of happiness. But duty, as always, had the stronger pull.

Ripley sighed, running a hand through her hair. ‘Give me twenty minutes.’

‘Make it fifteen, and make sure Miss Dark gets here too. I need my top guys for this,’ Edis said before the line went dead.

Ripley slowly rose to her feet, the weight of responsibility bearing down on her. She looked at Martin, her eyes apologetic.

‘I’m so sorry, Martin. I have to go.’

Martin waved a dismissive hand, ‘Don’t worry about it. I understand.’ He gave her a reassuring smile. ‘We can always reschedule.’

She nodded, grateful for his understanding. ‘Thank you for tonight. It meant more than you know.’

Martin stood up as well, reaching out to grasp her hand. ‘Come back in one piece, please.’

Ripley chuckled, the sound tinged with a hint of sadness. ‘I always do.’

With that, she grabbed her coat, giving Martin one last fleeting glance before heading out the restaurant. As she made her way to her car, she couldn’t help but feel a tug at her heart. As much as the FBI had afforded her, moments like these reminded her of the sacrifices she had made, the personal connections she had missed out on.

But duty came first, and she had a responsibility to the victims, to her team, and to herself.

Ripley already had the phone to her ear.

Her partner picked up on the third ring.

‘Ella, cancel your plans and meet me at HQ in fifteen minutes.’


Before Ella could reach the door, a familiar voice broke the silence. ‘What happened to fifteen minutes?’

William Edis’s office was located on the highest floor, a strategic placement that showcased the chain of command in the bureau. Even at this late hour, the light behind the frosted glass burned brightly – more evidence that the hushed whispers about Edis sleeping in his office these days may indeed be true.

Ella spun around and found Agent Mia Ripley waiting by a large potted plant that had seen better days. Mia looked impeccably poised as usual; black dress, brown boots, red hair pulled back into a tight knot with two curly strands framing her face.

‘Fashionably so.’ Ella scrutinized her partner from head to toe, acknowledging her uncharacteristic eye shadow and contouring effort. Ripley usually kept the makeup to a minimum. ‘Edis interrupted your date. How dare he.’

Ripley raised an eyebrow. ‘People my age don’t date.’


Ripley knocked on the door to Edis’s office. His silhouette stirred from within. ‘No. We find someone with as little baggage as possible and hope for the best.’

Ella smirked, trying to read her partner's face. ‘Is Martin making the cut?’
