Page 11 of 23 Hours

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I open my bottle of water and take a swig. Elbows on the table, I cup both hands around the chilly container. “Sixty days. He’s served almost half already. It was stupid, like it always is. He thinks it’s funny to do stupid stuff.”

“What kind ofstuff?”

If only he knew the entire, colorful, and illegal laundry list of Adam’sstuff.

Might as well give him a taste of what’s to come, if he ends up wanting to meet his kid. “The receipts at every store within twenty miles of where we live printedfuck you, have a nice daybelow the total.” Pressing my lips together, I stave off a smile. To be honest, itiskind of funny. Not legal. But aJackass-worthy prank. Adam was proud of himself, even when they raided his friend’s apartment to find his computer and the programs he used to hack into the systems. I wish I could say it was this well-thought-out plan. That he’d been setting up shop for months to pull this scale of a prank. Unfortunately, I can’t say anything of the sort. The dumb kid decided the day before it went down. Like with most things, Adam is a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants troublemaker, who gets sick joy out of the weirdly stupid shit he pulls.

Gunz’s head rears back, eyes blowing wide. “Oh hell, that was him?”


A devastating smile passes over his features. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it’s one of pride. “I heard about that.” The tiniest of chuckles breaks free.

I bet he did, it was all over the news.

An attractive woman, twentyish years my junior, saunters into the room through a doorway at the rear of the space. “Gunz,” she calls to him, an erotic lilt to her voice.

Messy brown hair brushes the tops of her erect nipples as she approaches, wearing nothing more than a lace thong and a smile. She doesn’t pay me any attention when she climbs into Gunz’s lap with her perfect body and straddles him. Perky tits press against his chest as the curve of her back kisses the edge of the table.

I stare with bug eyes and a closed mouth. It’s impossible not to. This isn’t my scene. The biker life is so far from my wheelhouse that it might as well be another planet. Sure, I have tattoos everywhere, and I dye my hair. That doesn’t mean anything more than I like ink and the color purple. I’m a boring online college professor—coding is my specialty. Unlike my son, I abide by the law. I don’t ride motorcycles or wear leather vests. My truck is jacked up and has Boss speakers because I like it that way. When Jeremy left us, I embraced my real self. Stripping away years of sundresses and polite smiles was what I needed to survive the aftermath. I foundmein the rubble he left in his wake, and I like me… despite the guilt I live with for the twenty-three hours I spent with a man who made my pussy sing like a canary. If it wasn’t for Gunz and that dashing smile, I wouldn’t have Adam… And I’ll never regret that. Not ever.

* * *


Fuck. If it’s not one thing it’s another.

I grip Niki’s hips to keep her from grinding against my cock. The dumbass in my pants is already prying at the zipper, hungry for a hole to hide inside. It’s not all my fault. Her naked body isn’t helping matters. Nor is the strong scent of sex coming from her soft, silky skin. The twinkle in those naughty eyes turns my crank hard. Just not hard enough for me to forget Kit… Mel… whatever her name is.

“Niki, what’re you doin’?” I scold, unable to decide if I wanna bury myself in her cunt and forget about today—about Kit and Adam, about what Bink had to do, about the clubhouse in flux—or, if I wanna shove her off my lap, ’cause I’m worried how my son’s mother will perceive this display. For all Kit knows, she’s my old lady. Not that I should care. But I do.

Niki toys with the collar of my shirt, running a finger back and forth along my skin, dipping a nail inside to scratch my collarbone, knowin’ exactly what that does to me. “Come back to bed,” she purrs, batting those sexy lashes for added effect.

If only it were that simple. Trust me, I’d love to go to bed, but that’s not possible.

“Can’t you see I’m busy?” I lift my chin at the purple-haired hottie. Though my eyes are otherwise occupied with Niki’s killer body—mapping every inch of skin I’ve tasted and came on countless times.

Not caring about the other woman present, Niki nips at my chin. “So?” A soft tongue laves across my lips, tasting the sweetness left by my sucker. She hums in pleasure, her nipples grazing my pecs through the cotton of my t-shirt. The seductress is good, too damn good.

I bite back a groan.

“Didn’t Viper take care of your needs?” We know he did. Niki’s here ’cause she heard I’m with another female and wants to stake her claim. If I didn’t wanna fuck her every day for the foreseeable future, I’d lecture her on how I’m not her property, and she’s not mine.

Growing impatient, Niki delivers a stern look.

“No,” I scold, but to be the nice guy, I kiss the tip of her nose. “Not right now.”

“Please.” Bringing out the big guns, she nuzzles against me, body heat to body heat. My cock pants for goddamn action. Throbs for it. It’s a good thing I can control myself, unlike some of my brothers who’re led around by their dicks.

To get my point across, I spank a bare ass cheek in time with my words. “I’m. Busy.” This isn’t some game. My son’s in jail. His mother’s here asking for my help, despite not wanting to do so. Lord knows I’m the kinda man who gets off on helpin’. How fucked is that when I don’t even know if she’s tellin’ the truth? This hero complex I’ve got is a damn pain in the ass.

“With her?” The softest lips graze my neck, traveling to the lobe of my ear where she nibbles. Goosebumps sprout across my arms and my dick bucks. Which he can do all he wants. I’m still not changin’ my mind.

“Yes. With her. It’s important,” I rasp, then swallow my arousal like a hot branding iron.

“More important than these?” Pulling out the biggest guns, Niki leans back, cups her pale, perky breasts, and shakes them at me as if that’ll help. It won’t. They’re sexy, and I would love to get my mouth on those tight, sensitive buds, but I’ve got more pressing matters to handle that don’t include sex.

“Yes. More than those.” There’s no use in lying.
