Page 45 of 23 Hours

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Or a horrible kisser with a black heart.

That’d make this a thousand times easier.

Fuck men.

Confusing bastards.



Strapped to the nines, huddled midday at the edge of the woods with a group of fellow brothers, I point to the intel on my phone, courtesy of Bongo. For once, someone else dug up what we needed for specs. It’s nice not havin’ to be the brains of every operation.

“The hotel’s got two entrances. The main one out front and the one in the rear, through the kitchen.” I draw a circle around the spots on our aerial image for better visuals, like a doctor does an x-ray, then I look up to make sure they’re payin’ attention. Their lives could very well depend on the data.

“It’s a shithole,” I add. “Probably got rats, mold, leaks, ceilings cavin’ in, and weak floors. Do your best to stay on the studs. We don’t need anybody gettin’ dead besides Remy’s crew.”

“Bongo say how big the setup is?” Mickey asks.

“It’s two stories. Fortyish rooms. Most of our visitors will be civilians here to take care of business, if ya catch my drift.” My nose wrinkles in distaste.

“Fuckin’ disgusting,” a brother mutters under his breath.

I nod in agreement. “We haven’t handled an operation like this before. Remy’s changin’ his tactics. Openin’ popups for a bit of local underage fun. Might have five girls in there. Might have fifty. Can’t say.”

“The order from Big is to execute all predators, correct?” Blimp clarifies as he double-checks the clips in his guns.

“Yep. Anyone who isn’t a victim gets dead on the spot. That means no game playing.” To get the point across, I make eye contact with the biggest sicko of the bunch. “Kade.”

The knife twirling between his fingertips halts, and he hides the evidence behind his back as if I didn’t notice the damn thing in the first place… Or the dozens of times I’ve watched him do the exact thing before. “What?” Kade plays innocent, wearing a big, jovial smile complemented by his over-the-top eyelash batting.

I snort, half-amused. If I didn’t like the guy, I’d give him hell about his antics. Good thing I’ve got a soft spot for Bear’s boys. He’s the president of our Texas chapter. A damn good man and leader. Kade’s one of his.

Knowin’ he follows rules well, given he wouldn’t be here if he didn’t, I arch a single brow to lay down the law. It’s no secret Kade gets satisfaction watchin’ people die in sick-and-twisted, fucked-up ways. This operation isn’t about that. It’s death and done. No muss, no fuss. We ain’t got time for an elaborate knife circus.

Takin’ orders without a peep, Kade dips his chin in respectful compliance. If he does a good job, I’m not opposed to lettin’ him and his old lady take a souvenir home to carve up later, off the books, after we’ve gotten everyone to safety. Who am I to rain on their parade? We’ve all got demons to tame. Some more than others.

Positions are divvied up, to give everybody their spots to shine.

Here’s what I know, so you’re in the loop, ’cause shit’s about to go down.

Four days ago, I left the compound to join forces with my other Sacred Sinner brethren. At our safe house, we caught wind of two major operations over the Mississippi state line. Yesterday, we collaborated to get our asses here to shut down Remy’s newest streak of evil. The quicker we handle this, the quicker the victims are freed and sent to my brother for rehabilitation. And, honestly, the quicker we get to the next place, and the next place, and the next fucking place, to free the Janie’s and Tati’s of this vile trafficking world. A month will never be long enough to rid the earth of Remy’s scum, but I will make damn sure I put a giant dent in it. It’s the least I can do after he attacked our compound.

No more sideline sitting. The Sacred Sinners are gonna show these motherfuckers what real war looks like.

Stowing my phone, I pull a Dum Dum from my pocket and pop it into my maw to center myself, even for an instant. To let the world align and my thoughts remain on the task at hand. Not stray to Kit or my son. Not to the gaping hole in my chest for missing her, a woman I barely know. Of course, I don’t think of purple hair, or her scent, or the kiss I’ll remember for the rest of my days. No. I’m stronger than that. I’ve got my shit together. I’m focused.

Blimp steps up beside me and slaps my leather-clad back. “You ready?” He juts his chin toward our destination a quarter mile up yonder. The rest of our brethren have already dispersed.


“Been a while since you were in the thick of things.”

He ain’t kiddin’. “I’m good.”

“You sure? ’Cause you got a family now.”

“I’ve always had a family, brother,” I remind him.
