Page 56 of 23 Hours

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Dammit, Mel, get it together.

Against the farthest wall, Julia’s body lies still. They brought her back to us after they strangled her to death.

It all happened so fast.

I still can’t believe she’s gone.

One minute, they ripped her from the room, kicking and screaming, the next, she went silent.


Just like that.


I shake my head to clear such thoughts as a shiver rolls down my spine.

Then there’s Beth, who’s related to a retired Sacred Sinner named Jonesy, has a messy past with a biker named Runner, and thinks the world of Gunz.

What can I say? You learn a lot when you’re locked in the dark with five women for eternity, hoping this’ll soon end. That, or I wake up from whatever fucked-up nightmare I’m having, and this will all have been nothing more than a sick-and-twisted dream.

I pinch the side of my knee and… yep… still here.

“Nooo!” Jade screeches.

A man moans.

I cringe.

Another tear sneaks free as I continue to pat Loretta.

It’s almost done. She’ll be back with us soon.

Then they’ll come again… and again… until… I don’t know when.

Resting my forehead on my knees, I think of my guys… Adam and Gunz.

When it’s my turn, their memories will give me strength.

I will survive this.

I will.

I can’t let these criminals win… no matter the price.



Pulling my gun from its holster, I don’t bother with niceties like patience. I’m done. It’s been eleven days since we got word our family was taken—that Kit was taken. Since then, my world has plummeted from unsteady to downright crumbling beneath the sole of these old leather shitkickers.

Aiming true at dull brass, I blow a knob clean off, before kicking the ancient door wide open. It smashes against the wall—the violent echo reminiscent of what’s to come.

A darkened foyer greets me.

If they’re not here, I’m killing Bongo myself—low and slow, with fists and no fucks. He’s been running the show from his trailer in Texas.He’ssupposed to be helping us but hasn’t done the job the way I would. His failures steal precious minutes. We don’t even know if the women are alive.
