Page 74 of 23 Hours

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I dunno why but hearin’ she accepts him bein’ here, and the brotherhood accepts him bein’ here, releases some sorta tension in my chest. Somethin’, until this point, I didn’t know was there.

“Good. Good.” I nod far too many times to be considered normal. “I’m sure that’ll make Kit real happy to hear when she wakes up.” It makes me happy too, but I’m not about to say that. Shit’s startin’ to…

Bink hugs me—quick and unexpected. Full body, tits to abs, hard squeeze, then release, step back, and smile. Big, big, sweet smile. A twinkle in those eyes. Like she knows something I don’t. Like she can read my fucked-upness. Knowin’ her, she can. Obviously. I helped raise the woman. She’s my kid. Maybe not conventionally, but my heart doesn’t care about bullshit semantics.

“We’ve got things here. Go to church.” She two-finger points to the door.

Go. To. Church.

Over my shoulder, I glance longingly down the unlit hallway.

That spot in the center of my chest throbs, pulls.

I swallow.

Expel heavy breath around the sucker.

Stare a beat more.

“She’s asleep,” I whisper to myself.

But she’s mine to care for.

That’s mine in there. On our bed. Under those covers.

The first fucking thing that’s ever beenjustmine.


I gotta go.



The brotherhood calls.

“I’ll be back,” I announce, then get the hell outta dodge before I do something irresponsible.

“We’ll be here,” Bink calls to my back as I slam the door to my house shut and jog down the steps, all the way to the rear steel door of the clubhouse.

Church, then home to her.

“It’s good to see ya, brother.” Kai pounds the top of my shoulder as I enter the room to get this meeting over with.

I say nothing and take my spot next to Big, at the head of the table, the last to arrive.

Standing in front of his chair, our prez raises his arm and down comes the gavel.

Let’s get down to business.



Palms wrapped around a lovely, hand-thrown mug, I blow over the top of my hot tea to make it palatable. I tuck my legs beneath me. A cozy, knit blanket strewn over them, as I sink into Gunz’s couch with one of my new favorite women and the boy I raised. They’re keeping me company after a nap. It didn’t last long, but I needed it.

Both of my companions throw their heads back and laugh at an oldie but goodie about Adam. One he doesn’t remember, as he was too young. Yet, I do. Every minute of it.
