Page 41 of Knot For Keeps

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“Wait, is this a rage room?” She spun around to look at me, unbridled glee in her voice. “I’ve heard about these! A few of the girls wanted one at the Haven!”

Was the idea of a little violence was exciting her? Instant boner. Where the fuck had this dream omega come from?

I sauntered into the room, grabbing a sledgehammer off the floor and holding it out to her, that was confirmation enough that her assumption about the room was correct.

“You’re giving me a weapon?” she asked, incredulously looking between the sledgehammer and me.

“I won’t let you get the drop on me again, beautiful.” I moved so I was mere inches away from her. “Even if that little stunt was the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.”

“I still feel bad about that.” Her nose crinkled as she spoke.

“Don’t you dare.” My voice was firm, and I ensured there wasn’t even a hint of playfulness. “Now, let’s put your goggles on, and what do you want to smash up first?” I held out the sledgehammer, nodding at her to take it.

“The microwave?” she asked tentatively, reaching out and grasping the wooden handle. Her teeth worried her bottom lip, and I wanted to release it with my own teeth.


She passed the sledgehammer between her hands, acclimating to the weight of it, looking around she took in all the potential smashing targets before settling on the microwave.

Walking over to the side table, I picked up two pairs of goggles, sliding a pair on myself and walking over to Lavender. She held out her hand to take them off me, but I ignored her, wanting a moment to get close and take a sweet lungful of her scent. So I walked up close to her and placed them gently on her face while she looked at me with that same small smile.

Her large sweatshirt covered her torso perfectly and she was wearing heavy boots, so with the goggles she was good to go. I wanted her to have a good way to vent her frustration, but not if she got hurt. I couldn’t jeopardise my status as up-and-coming favourite by risking her getting hurt.

“You look good,” I chuckled lightly. The blush that rose in her cheeks pleased me.

“Thank you…so do I just…hit things?”

“Yep.” I gently turned her around so she was facing the microwave she had her eyes on. “Just go smash. Imagine it’s Kane’s face.”

Lavender’s snort was adorable. “Okay.”

Her hands tightened around her weapon as she assessed her soon to be victim. The bright red microwave had been in our kitchen until one day the screen stopped working. Any appliances with even minor faults ended up in this room.

With a grunt Lavender lifted the sledgehammer. It was a weighty tool, and just swinging it would have taken her a good amount of strength. Watching her, I tried not to laugh. She closed her eyes and scrunched her nose as she swung the hammer down, like she didn’t want to see the result. It landed on the top of the microwave with a deep thudding noise, but it hardly made a dent in the metal body of the appliance.

Lavender opened her eyes. Her posture relaxing, shoulders sagging as she took in the lack of destruction.

“Is that all?” she asked with a little frown, her bottom lip protruding in a pout. I wanted to bite it.

“Again. Harder,” I commanded.

“Bossy,” Lavender laughed.

I wantedherto bossmearound. She could command me to do anything she wanted as long as she made me cum my fucking brains out as she did. Lifting the sledgehammer again, she squared her shoulders, her face set in a look of determination.

This time the impact was much harder, and the glass of the microwave door shattered.

“Did you see that!” Lavender cried out, looking between me and her destruction as she jumped up and down a few times with excitement. I grinned at her.

“Fun, isn’t it?” I leaned back against the far wall, and made a gesture for her to carry on before crossing my arms and settling in to watch the show. “Have fun.”

Lavender’s eyes lit up and she looked around the room. “Is everything fair game?” she asked, her gaze hungry.

“Yes. Anything you want.” Including me, but I didn’t say that.

With permission, she threw herself into the fun of the carnage. Several quick, violent hits to the microwave was followed by the quick and brutal destruction of an old bedside table, shards of wood flying everywhere. I would have to check her for splinters later, not that I was complaining in the slightest.

Lavender was fucking stunning. She panted deeply as she whipped around the room, grunting with each blow she delivered. Her wild hair was falling from its bun, framing her cheeks. Her face was hungry with the feeling—one I knew well. Destruction was heady and addictive. I revelled in it, and seeing Lavender throw herself into it was downright pornographic.
