Page 58 of Knot For Keeps

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“Hello Gagey!” Theo chirped happily. “Come to join the cuddles?” he asked innocently while increasing the pace of his fingers, and eliciting a strangled moan from me.

I was waiting for the anger, the shouting.

Imagine my shock when Gage startedlaughing.

“This room smells like sex,” he chuckled. “And now I have a boner, so thanks for that.”

“Not the first time I’ve given you a boner.” I shrugged, biting my lip. Theo’s chest shook with laughter.

“Same! I’ve given Gagey plenty of boners over the years, haven’t I?”

Gage stood in the middle of the room, hands on his hips. Was he angry? He had said he was sick of resisting whatever was between us when I was icing his bruises, but did he still feel that way? Maybe he had slept since and regained his common sense.

I untangled myself from Theo, ignoring his little grunt of unhappiness at the loss of me. Gage’s eyes raked over me as I walked over to him, resting on my bare legs. The T-shirt I had borrowed more than covered my butt, though my lack of underwear made my scent a lot more… potent.

“Are you mad?” I asked quietly. We hadn’t really spoken since the last time he had kissed me, we had all been distracted by the detective.

Gage rolled his eyes, arm sneaking around my waist and pulling me into him.

“No,” he replied simply, leaning down and taking my lips in a bruising kiss.

“Fuck yeah!” Theo crowed from behind me. “I knew you’d come around, Gagey!”

I pulled away, smiling as I turned to grin at Theo. “Actually, he kissed me long before you did.”

His face dropped and he pouted. “No! Or was it just a kiss?”

Gage laughed. “Two kisses, actually.”

“Well,” Theo smirked, lounging back on the armchair, a look of pride firmly on his face, “Iwas the first one to make her come, the only one in fact.”

My face heated and I buried it in Gage’s chest as he chuckled.

“Hmm, maybe we should change that?” Gage murmured.

My mouth opened and closed a few times as I tried to find the words. But before I could form a thought, my body reacted, the smell of slick so thick in the air I was surprised they could breathe.


“What did Theo do to you?” Gage smirked at me.

“Today, or in general?” I asked in an innocent tone, biting my lip as I looked up at him.

Gage’s eyebrows rose.

“He keeps accosting me in the shower,” I shrugged, giggling nervously.

Gage groaned, closing his eyes. “That’s a mental image that's going to stick with me.”

Theo’s hands clasped my waist, drawing me back to him. I had been so focused on Gage I hadn’t heard him approach.

Lips descended on my neck, gently kissing a path up and down.

Next thing I knew, I was laying across Theo’s bed with him on top of me while Gage watched excitedly.

Hands roaming over my body, hiking my leg over his hip, filling the room with the small of my arousal.

Did Gage intend to stay? Or did he intend to join?
