Page 10 of Humbug Lane

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She shakes her head. “I know that’s not true.”

Manny brings our meals, ending all conversation and touching. Still, there’s nothing quite as wonderful as watching Grace’s face while she enjoys food. Well, watching her come is number one, but watching her eat is a close second. I have to put that thought out of my head, or my cock is going to start pounding the underside of the table.



Despite the fact that we have jobs that demand most of our time, and I know he’ll move on once this film is finished, I can’t get enough of Landon. In four more days, this film will wrap, and my heart could very well break. The damage might be irreparable. Still, as we walk along Venice Beach, I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be.

“What’s going on in that head of yours?” He smiles at me as though I matter.

It’s addictive and dangerous, and I just don’t care. I’ll pick up the pieces after the new year. “That the movie will wrap in a few days, and how nice this is. I only live about twenty minutes away, but I never come down here.”

“Southern California is weird that way.” He leads us to the left and off the beach. “Ready to head back?”

My body tingles with the possible meanings. “Sure.”

I love the way he slides his arm around my waist, and that my hand fits perfectly inside his back pocket. It’s a beautiful night, and if it could never end, that would be the best.

I know that’s a totally unrealistic wish, but I’m happy, and I haven’t thought that in a long time.

Of course, me being me, I spend the entire walk back to his house overanalyzing what’s going to happen when we arrive. Maybe he’s tired or full from dinner. Maybe he wants to go to sleep and send me on my way. Maybe he isn’t as interested in me as I am in him, and he’s just too much of a gentleman to say anything.

I really need to get a grip and shut the hell up.

As we walk up his driveway, I slow near my car. “Should I go home?”

“Is that what you want?” He steps in front of me and grips my hips.

Not wanting to feel needy, I shrug. “You did say you would show me your house, but if you’re tired, we can do it another night.”

Cupping my cheek, Landon gazes intensely at me. He lowers his mouth to mine and kisses me senseless.

Our tongues slide together. Our breath mingles as he makes love to my mouth.

When he breaks the kiss, I wobble, but he keeps me upright, and his gaze is just as intense. “I want you to stay. I want you, Grace. Last night was not nearly enough, and I’m worried there are not enough nights left in my life to ever have enough.”

I drag in a strained breath. “You’re worried about that?”

“Terrified that I’ll never get enough of you.” His beautiful lips turn up in the most alluring smile.

“I guess I’d better stay then.” I swallow down…stuff, and reabsorb the dozens of questions I have rolling around in my overanalyzing head.

Taking my hand, he pulls me gently toward the front door. “I’m glad.”

“Should I tell you that I spent the entire walk back here worried that you didn’t want me to come inside? Does that make me sound like a nut case?” Why can’t I keep anything to myself?

He punches a code into the front door, and the lock clicks open. He swings the door in but holds me on the threshold. “Just be yourself, Grace. Ask the questions rolling around in that gorgeous head of yours. I promise I like the honesty so much more than you being uncertain of me.”

“Okay.” Why does this take my breath away? No one likes to be questioned. People like to play games and see what the other person does, or how they react. “You’re sure you will still like honest when I ask you why you’re into me?”

He grins like I’ve asked the best question. Flipping on the foyer lights, he pulls me inside and closes the door. “I’ll still like honest.” He kisses my nose. “There are too many reasons to list before morning.”

I’m a little overwhelmed, my heart is pounding, but I follow him through the adorable house. It’s been remodeled. The modern kitchen only has a few corbels and a stucco vent hood to keep the cottage charm. White cabinets that reach the ceiling and speckled dark brown countertops. It’s beautiful. “Did this have a bunch of walls when you bought it?”

He takes my little leather clutch from my grip and puts it on the counter. “It did. I remodeled. Do you like it?”

“I love it. What does your aunt think?” I let him pull me into a hug and tuck my head under his chin.
