Page 11 of Humbug Lane

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“She’s a bit of a hippie. Any change is good as long as the chi is flowing.” There’s joy in his voice.

“Is she why you came out to California?” I wrap my arms around his broad back.

Breaking the embrace, he kisses my nose and takes my hand. “I came out to see her for a vacation after culinary school. I’d been out many times as a kid. Manny needed help in the kitchen, so I cooked there for a few months. Then I got a job at a fancy place in LA. Then I called my mom and told her I wasn’t planning to come home.”

“I like that you answer whatever I ask.” I press my lips to his neck, and his spicy scent of cologne is the same as on our first date. I hadn’t realized how much I missed it. “I like the way you smell.”

He laughs. “I like the way you smell too. Want to see the rest? I have three bedrooms. One I use as my office.”

The office and guest bedroom are both smaller rooms that share a hall bath. At the end of the hall, he opens the main bedroom door. Three gray walls and one navy with a king bed on it. A twelve-foot sliding glass door opens to a back patio, where a pool glistens in the moonlight.

“Holy shit, Landon. You live in paradise.” I practically float over to the glass doors.

His arms circle me, and he pulls my back against his front. He presses his cock against my ass, and I’m alive with desire. “If you want, I’ll open a bottle of wine, and we can sit out there and talk.”

Pressing my ass backward, I rub back and forth. “How about you show me your shower, and we make love, and then wine and moon watching.”

His shaft jerks like it’s a good idea. Holding me close, he adjusts so he’s nestled between my ass cheeks. “I promise I have more than one condom tonight.”

I’ve never wanted to be naked so badly in my entire life. “You didn’t hear any complaints last night, did you?”

“No, but there should have been. You’re too nice.” He turns me in his arms. “You should be fussed over and taken care of.” He combs my hair away from my face and cups the back of my head so he can press kisses along my jaw and cheek.

“I can take care of myself.” It comes out breathy instead of strong, as I intended.

“Of course you can, but spoiling you would be so much pleasure, I hope you’ll indulge me from time to time.”

Who says that? What kind of man means that? More importantly, how do I keep him? Shit. I’m in trouble. “You could grab the bag from my trunk for me if you want to start now.”

“You brought a bag?” The excitement in his voice is sexy as hell.

I shrug, but suddenly feel shy. “Just in case.”

He’s grinning so wide it’s contagious. “The keys are in your purse?”

I nod.

Lowering his mouth to mine, he draws my bottom lip through his. His tongue skims the crease and probes deeper.

I open for him, and when our tongues meet, my panties are wet, and I want to climb him like a tree. It’s insane to want someone this much.

Breathing hard, he breaks the kiss. “I’ll get your bag. Make yourself at home.”

He has the finest ass, and the way his jeans curve around it makes my mouth water.

Once he’s out of sight, I take one more look at the backyard, then turn toward the double doors.

Behind the navy-blue doors lies a bathroom that makes my heart stop. The long white vanity has two sinks. The floor is an old-fashioned penny tile in white and black. At one end is a door with a private toilet. The shower is at the other end and has a rain showerhead as well as a more traditional showerhead. It’s glass-fronted, but huge, with a slipper tub on the side farthest from the shower. I open the glass door and run my hand along the deep sensual tub.

Landon’s deep voice echoes gently in the room. “If you want to take a bath, feel free.”

“Will you fit in here with me?” I’m so wet thinking about him in the bath, I want to rub my pussy through my jeans.

He pulls his shirt over his head and drops it on the floor. His eyes fill with passion. “Let’s find out.”

I swallow all my inhibitions because no one has ever looked at me the way Landon does. I turn the faucet on the wall behind the tub and water pours down from the ceiling in one long stream. “This is very fancy.”

He adjusts the temperature. “I went a bit crazy in here and made the glass enclosure a wet room.”
