Page 8 of Humbug Lane

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The light lilac scent of her hair warms me. “Not exactly what I meant, but I’m glad you got a reprieve from too long a night.”

“Would you have waited if it was as late as last night?” She’s frozen in place waiting for my answer.

I kiss the top of her soft hair. “I’d have waited, Grace.”

She snuggles closer. “You’re a nice man.”

All the tension I’ve been holding eases. “So, no regrets that I wasn’t more of a gentleman last night?”

With a snort-laugh, she pushes back and looks me in the eyes. “Did it seem like I was after good behavior when I stepped out of the bathroom in my underwear?”

I take her hand and kiss her fingers. “I just wanted to make sure. By the way, you looked delectable in those panties.”

“What’s the plan for dinner? I’m starved, chef.” She grins and blushes.

“I know a place. It’s not fancy. I figured you’d prefer casual after a long day.”

“Good figuring.” She looks down at her jeans and red blouse.

“You look beautiful.” It’s hard to remember what I want to say because I want to kiss all the worry off her face. “Do you want to follow me, or should we take one car?”

“Where are we going?”

“I know a great place to get a burger near my house in Venice.” I don’t want her to get the wrong idea. “You don’t have to come to my house. I don’t want you to think I’m backing you into a corner.”

“How about I follow you home?” She kisses my cheek and walks to her metallic-blue compact car a few spots over.

I wish there was a dictionary for deciphering things women say. I laugh at myself as I get in my van, and make sure she’s behind me as I exit the studio gate. It’s a forty-five-minute drive, and with traffic, it takes a bit longer. Plenty of time to worry that I’m making a mistake taking her to my neighborhood instead of finding out where she lives and staying near her house.

Too late now, I pull into the driveway of my house, a few blocks off the beach.

She jumps out of her car and stares up at my Spanish-style bungalow. “You must make a fortune with catering and the restaurant. Holy shit.”

I extend my hand, palm up. “Want to see it, or go eat first?”

The rumble in her stomach answers before she can.

I laugh. “I guess we eat. Do you mind walking a couple of blocks?”

She grabs her stomach and blushes. Taking her purse from the passenger seat, she says, “A walk would be great.”

Hand in hand, we stroll toward the ocean.

“How do you afford to live down here?”

“The catering gig does really well. Hollywood is a steady income. The restaurant holds its own too. The house was my aunt’s, and when she wanted to move to a retirement community, I bought the house for a fair price.” I shrug as if it’s no big deal, but I know how lucky I am.

“I can’t wait to see inside.” She blushes again.

I slide my arm around her waist. “I love when you blush, but I’d love to know what you were just thinking that made you pink.”

“I don’t usually blush. You seem to bring it out in me.” She tucks her small but capable hand in the back pocket of my jeans. “I was thinking that you’re a very good lover.”

My cock jumps to attention from the half-mast state it’s been in since she stepped out of her car. “Wow! That was honest.”

“Sorry. I always am, and most people don’t like it too much.” She tries pulling away.

I hold her close to my side. “I like it a lot. I liked it two years ago when you told me you like the way I look. If you hadn’t said that, I might not have had the balls to ask you for that first date.”
