Page 60 of Secrets Among Us

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I wouldn’t let what happened to my parents happen to the woman I loved more than life.

Chapter Seventeen


My phone rang, and I didn’t recognize the number. I glanced at Elena and Jaxson, who were deep in discussion, and Zack was in his office.

I debated for another half a second and answered.

I’m sure you think because I’m behind bars that you’re safe, but I want you to understand that you will always be on my mind and the minds of many who know that you know too much.

The phone clicked, and my throat constricted as Elena caught my eyes.

“Sadie, what’s wrong?” Elena rushed over with Jaxson right behind.

“It’s Carmella. She just called me from jail.”

Jaxson scowled. “What? Did you take the collect call?”

I shook my head. “No, but it was Carmella. Just like the last time she called. It was her.”

Jaxson took my phone from me while I stared at the wall, feeling pressure build in my chest. I couldn’t keep doing this. I couldn’t. One minute, I was feeling like the weight of the world had been lifted, and now I was crippled with fear.

Every single breath hurt.

The room around me spun into a tiny web of emotion. It felt like the air was charged with something to hurt my lungs and my body.

“You’re going to be okay, Sadie.” Elena’s arm wrapped around my shoulders as she led me to the stool. “We’re here for you. Zack won’t let anything happen to you.”

“What about Mom and Dad?”

Elena stood in front of me, holding my arms to get a good look at me. I felt numb, like a zombie. My racing thoughts narrowed. I just wanted to run. I wanted to escape it all.

And then he brought my parents into it.

And then she called…

“I don’t understand why this is happening. I don’t.” I looked into my sister’s eyes for any hint of a reason.

“I don’t either, Sadie.”

Jaxson let out a deep breath. “That call wasn’t from prison unless she used someone’s contraband phone.”

“Why go to that much trouble?” I asked, shaking my head. “None of what she did had to do with me. Sure, I was the victim, but she only targeted me because I was close to you and the Volkovs.”

Jaxson nodded. “I agree.”

I pulled my hands over my face and groaned. “It just doesn’t make sense.”

But what did make sense was wanting to run away from it all and start over.

“What’s going on?” Zack walked into the room, seeing my tears.

“Carmella just called.” Elena drew a breath. “But Jaxson doesn’t think it was a prison call.”

Zack’s eyes filled with wild rage. “Let me see the phone.”

I shook my head mindlessly, wanting this nightmare to go away as Jaxson handed him the phone.
