Page 33 of Knot Guaranteed

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It’s my birthday. Sitting and wondering about things I can’t change won’t help anything. Also, I had a sexy moment with a really hot guy last night, and that seems like a better thing to focus on than my shortcomings.



Idon’t sleep for shit. I jerk off an embarrassing number of times, to get my cock to cooperate, and still spend half the night tossing and turning.

There’s a bizarre energy that comes with being close to an omega. It’s like hyperfocusing on her needs and how to keep her safe, but it also gives me a weird boost. Maybe it’s that alpha pride everyone always talks about. I don’t fucking know.

Being wired all damn night long leads to me bouncing off the bus as soon as we stop. I go shopping for Tinley’s birthday gifts, but fuck knows if I get anything she actually wants.

I sigh, stretching back in the swivel chair. That’s what courting is for. I don’t have the benefit of having known her for years like Fitz, but I did the best I could under the circumstances. That fucker was completelyuselesswhen I asked for recommendations, but that’s all right. I’ll pay him back, plus interest, one day.

Tinley slides out of the bedroom at the back of the bus with an arm wrapped around her bra. Damn, maybe I should have been a gentleman and brought her a change of clothes?

I barely hold back the chuckle as she darts over to grab stuff out of her drawers and disappears into the bathroom. Nah, that was too cute to miss out on. I’ve never pretended to be a gentleman. It would probably be out of character to start now.

She pops out ten minutes later with wavy, wet hair.

“Good morning.” I give her my signature grin, but based on how miserable she looks, it might be the wrong call. “Happy birthday.” I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees. “Fitz and War went out for breakfast. I’m sure they’ll bring us something back.” She still doesn’t say anything, so I stretch out in my chair, nodding to my lap. “I got you a little something. Sit with me?”

Are there other seats she could take?


But I want to cuddle her and see where her head is at. Maybe figure out how to help her feel at ease with me.

The way her toes dig into the carpet as she considers my offer puts me on edge. After a few seconds, she gives a tentative nod that makes me grin. She crawls into my lap like a sweet little omega, and my hand flexes on her hip as she faces me.

“How are you feeling this morning?” I ask.

“Good. I didn’t drink enough last night to have a hangover or anything.”

“I wish I’d been that smart. I think I spent three days hungover or wasted when I turned twenty-one.” I grimace but exhale in relief when she lets out a light, tinkling laugh.

“Yeah, no thanks.”

I run through all the ways to approach the conversation we need to have. The pit in my stomach has only gotten worse the more hours I’ve had to obsess about everything.

“So, I’m kind of hoping you’ll tell me how you feel about what happened between us last night.” Fuck, I sound like a total loser.

War would growl something like,spill everything you’re thinking and feeling, and she’d magically comply.

I get a fucking shrug and my gut drops.

Tell me I wasn’t a predatory asshole.

“I didn’t mean to pressure you into anything—” I start.

She cuts me off by slapping my chest kind of hard. “Ohmigod, stop. You didn’t. Not in the least. I’m awkward on the best of days. I feel like this should be obvious.”

I swat her ass. “You’re cute. Don’t talk down about yourself.”

“I’m not. I just figure we should call a spade a spade.” Her fingers run over my clavicle in a similar way to how they did last night.

“I think you’re sexy. Don’t take that away from me. I dig it when you blush.” I laugh. “Your sweetness is addictive.”

“And you put me at ease, even when I’m mildly embarrassed.”
