Page 39 of Hide n' Seek

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“Come out, come out, wherever you are, little rabbit.”

Glass littered the floor, cutting my hands and digging into my knees through my pants as I struggled to get back to my feet. I pulled the gun from my hoodie pocket, but in the adrenaline and nerve filled haze my hands shook so badly that I missed my shot despite the close proximity, a mirror exploding beside the Seeker’s head.

They snarled, diving for me and knocking the gun out of my hands so it spun away from us on the floor. The Seeker bared down on top of me, wrestling me onto my back. Their hands were in my hair, forcing my head back. I kicked and bucked like my life depended on it, grunting with the effort of trying to free myself.

I wouldn’t scream. Wouldn’t give this sick fuck the satisfaction of hearing how terrified I was.

You can’t die like this! Fight!

I brought my knee up, nailing my attacker in the groin, and they hissed but didn’t waiver.

“Fuck!” I shouted. It was just my luck that my attacker had the balls to murder me in cold blood, but no cock for my low-blow shot to make a difference.

Their hands wrapped around my throat, squeezing and cutting off my airflow.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

I tried to pry their fingers away, but when their iron grip didn’t budge, I picked a new target. Their eyes. I aimed a punch at the Seeker’s head and then another until their mask loosened.

I’m so sorry, Kohl. Please look after Bingsoo for me.

My eyes were bulging, my ears roaring as my lungs begged for air.

I slipped my fingers into the band of the Seeker’s mask and ripped it off, my entire world turning on its axis as the eerie purple glow illuminated a familiar face.

Kohl’s lips were split into a smile I’d never seen before, the corner of their mouth hooked into a manic grin as they watched me struggle against them.

I wanted to scream, to tell them who I was, but I didn’t have the air in my lungs to do it.

Tears slipped out of my eyes as the world shrank to their overblown pupils, the honey brown that I’d loved in their stare all but shrouded in a mass of black.

It was dark here, so dark that when their mask clattered to the ground in my limp arm, it illuminated them like a demon, casting great shadows under their features.

They lied to me.

They fucking lied.

And now they were going to kill me.

This is fucking bullshit.

With the last of my strength, I used my trembling fingers to pull my mask off.

Kohl froze, their fingers loosening immediately as shock and horror rocketed over their expression.

I took in a ragged gulp of air, sputtering and coughing. “You fucking—” I gasped, my voice raspy from being choked within an inch of my life, as I slapped them as hard as I could. “Asshole!”


Should have killed me when you had the chance, rabbit!

The weight of the weapon in my hand doubled since attributing a kill to it. I gripped it tightly, afraid that the extra weight might cause it to slip from my fingers, leaving me defenseless.

I was at the top in this game. I had no reason to worry about losing a weapon. If I did, I’d just get another.

But every time Dylan got closer, every time one of his friends’ voices got too loud… I found myself gripping it tighter.

Maybe that’s why I hadn’t objected when they pulled me along in their search for their own victims. Or why I just stood on the sidelines as they raced after a random ghost.
