Page 43 of Hide n' Seek

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I couldn’t help but laugh. “That sounded like it hurt.”

She was close, I could feel her even if I couldn’t see her through the mirrors.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are, little rabbit,” I sang, unable to keep the excitement from my voice.

The squeak of her boots against the floor was all I needed to figure out where she was.

Just around this corner.

What I hadn’t expected when I turned the corner was a shot to ring out and embed itself right near my head, sending the shattered glass in a cascade onto the floor.

Not giving her time to correct her aim, I lunged for her, this time my hand finally closing around one of those damned blue pigtails to lurch her back.

I wrapped my arms around her as she struggled. One around her throat, the other around her waist to keep her still.

Her hands came to hold herself up before her strong legs found the mirror and pushed hard.

The move sent us flying backward, almost knocking the wind out of me.

Don’t you fucking let this chance slip past you.

I kept a tight hold on her while flipping us around. She bucked against me, twisting in my arms until we were facing each other. She kneed me in the groin causing me to hiss but when it didn’t have the desired effect she let out a snarled, “Fuck!”

She was going to die. I knew it. She knew it. It didn’t matter how much more she struggled.

Her fingers slipped into my mask, tearing it off.

She paused when she caught sight of my face. It gave me the opening I needed to wrap my fingers around her throat.

Her eyes widened behind her mask as I choked the life from her. Her nails dug into my arms, shocked gurgles escaping her mouth.

My watch was goingcrazywith pings, the sound bouncing off the mirrors.

That’s right. They wanted a fight, and I’m here to give it to them.

It was what the audience craved. They wanted to hope for the Ghost while cheering for the Seeker as they murdered them in high definition.

Sure there were few watching in horror, but the world we lived in had beenconditionedfor these games. They were celebrated. Revered for the money that they brought to the economy.

Once upon a time, companies wouldn’t dare advertise on a death match, but now it was acovetedspot. Better than the Superbowl.

A spot that would earn me lots andlotsof money.

Exactly what my goddess deserved.

It was enough to push away any lingering guilt for what I was doing.

Her hands loosened on my arms. She was giving up. Or at least I thought… until they fell to her face, where she used the last of her strength to tear off her mask.

Shock shot through my veins, burning where my skin touched hers.

I ripped my hands off her, unable to come to terms with what I was seeing.

The little white rabbit. The Ghost that I’d been chasing after this entire time… I knew her.

Not only did I know her… she’d single-handedly ruined any other woman for me.

