Page 59 of Hide n' Seek

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Just like that? He was going to give up?That was very much unlike him, but I wasn’t going to sit there and doubt the luck I’d been granted in this game.

Looking up, I realized all three of them had their eyes locked on me. It was different than before.

Before, they treated me like Dylan’s little brother. Joking and prancing around with no care in the world.

But now they were looking at me like I didn’t belong there.

No.They were looking at me like I was their next victim.

The air shifted. Tension crackled between us. I was almost afraid to move. As if the next step I took would cause them to pounce.

What had they seen on their trackers?

“Then I’ll just take you there?” I said, still unsure of the next steps.

Dylan had already fitted his mask back to his face, so there was no telling what he was thinking.

“Well, we have to get our points in one way or another, don’t we?” he said and motioned for me to lead the way.

I nodded and turned my back to them, taking cautious steps toward the imaginary Ghosts. But even as I successfully led them away from the house of mirrors, the sinking in my gut hadn’t disappeared.

“We gotta find a way to spice up the livestream,” Yellow said from behind. “I’m in the hundreds now.”

“Ha! I’m still over a thousand,” Pink said. “Maybe they just findyouboring.”

I relaxed a little at the casualness of their conversation, though I didn’t want to check how many views I had.Especiallyafter what I had just done with Vic in the hall of mirrors.

It was a short walk until the tunnel of love could be seen off in the distance.

Alright, time to lose them.

“Hey, isn’t that the gardens?” I asked, pointing out the dome-like building that seemed to have a permanent lean to it. Vines and dead flowers were growing up the sides, while overgrown trees sprouted from the opened roof. There was a light glow coming from within. “There’s not much over here. I’m guessing they went in there.”

“Nah, that’s boring,” Dylan said. “You know what would be an even better place?”

He came up to me, throwing his arm around my shoulders and forcing me to bend down. He pointed his blood-stained finger in the opposite direction and right to… the tunnel of love.

I had the strongest urge to grab him by his neck, throw him to the ground, and pound into that stupid fucking face until he was unrecognizable.

“Romantic.” Pink laughed behind me. “Maybe the Ghosts think so as well.”

Dread curled in my stomach, and bile exploding across my tongue.

I couldn’t help but picture them coming across Vic and what they would try to do to her once they found her.

“That's far,” I said and cleared my throat. “You forget these Ghosts aren’t built like us. They can’t run that far and are probably hiding in a place like there.” I jerked my head toward the garden as I took a step forward. “What’s the harm in checking both places?”

Both men looked to Dylan to make the decision.

“There’s no fun in a midnight stroll around the gardens,” he said. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re trying to keep us from the tunnel.”

I swallowed thickly, unable to help the fear and panic that were running through my veins. If I didn’t have anyone to protect, I wouldn’t feel this way. I would still be able to let myself fall into the darkness of my mind. Give into the instinct to hunt.

But I have Vic now.

No matter how suspicious it looked, I needed to occupy them until I could slip away.

“You can say that when everyone in the group has killed their victim,” I said, my eyes roaming Yellow. If I wasn’t mistaken, the last victim was Pink’s. “You said you wanted to make our family look good, how could you if you haven’t killed anyone yet?”
